Subject | Count |
0000000100000000 | 24 |
1-3-5-10yearsAgo | 18 |
10 Contest | 32 |
10 Contest Votes | 1 |
100 sq Boards | 2 |
128 8x8x8x8 | 1 |
12x12_checkmate | 7 |
15-50-500YrsAgo | 12 |
1RingPresetProb | 1 |
250 Million | 1 |
3 players? | 1 |
31 missing files | 5 |
36th.Olympiad | 1 |
3D Chess | 14 |
3D Chess Club | 3 |
3D Chess Set | 1 |
3D Chess Survey | 2 |
3D Chess Tower | 2 |
4 chaturanga | 4 |
4-Chaturanga | 1 |
404 Chess Art | 7 |
4D Shogi | 3 |
50 moves rule | 4 |
6 Potentates... | 3 |
72 Capa variants | 30 |
7x7 Shogi | 1 |
8x10 looks dead | 12 |
8x8 variants | 1 |
8x8x8 | 1 |
?chec | 2 |
A few ideas. | 10 |
a graphic editor | 12 |
A Personal Note. | 1 |
a pie-rule ZRF | 1 |
A Taxonomy | 1 |
A ZRF trick | 2 |
Aanca | 3 |
AARON | 1 |
About Chu Shogi | 1 |
Adjusting power | 1 |
AI easy or hard? | 6 |
AIGO Chess | 1 |
Alexander Game | 1 |
Alfaerie Shogi | 1 |
Altair move | 1 |
Altair Preset | 1 |
Amazons Preset? | 1 |
Amber Rapid | 7 |
AmberBlind-Rapid | 4 |
american chess | 23 |
Amphibian Chess | 16 |
Anand_Kramnik | 25 |
And-root leapers | 1 |
Another rider? | 3 |
Anti-Chess | 6 |
ARCHBISHOP Value | 21 |
Areal mover | 3 |
Arimaa | 4 |
Art | 1 |
Article | 2 |
Atlantean bar... | 4 |
Back to the Past | 13 |
Bad game courier | 9 |
Balancing Chess | 9 |
BalancingMethods | 1 |
Bandwidth | 4 |
Bario | 1 |
Basilisk cannon | 1 |
Been Awhile... | 3 |
Big Chess | 3 |
Big-board CV:s | 82 |
Birthdays | 2 |
BlindChess | 4 |
Blindfold Chess | 3 |
Board Creation | 4 |
Board games | 8 |
Board in Courier | 4 |
board size | 2 |
Board sizes | 5 |
Board? | 3 |
BoardgameMandala | 1 |
Bodacious? | 1 |
Bombard cannon | 3 |
bring back piece | 2 |
browser problems | 3 |
Buddhi Chal | 2 |
Bug: Create Link | 8 |
BuggetyBuggyBug | 1 |
bugs | 7 |
Bungalow Shatran | 1 |
Bush | 1 |
Calendar | 3 |
callingcheckmate | 2 |
Calvinball Chess | 2 |
Camel Bishop | 11 |
Camel + Bishop | 1 |
can't see piece | 5 |
Canadian Chess | 1 |
Cannon Pieces | 3 |
Cannon-Elephants | 3 |
Castled King | 2 |
Castling | 3 |
Catapults | 1 |
Changed Site | 1 |
Chebache | 3 |
check mate | 4 |
Checkers solved | 4 |
chess | 2 |
Chess alchemy | 6 |
Chess Beauties | 1 |
Chess Boxing | 2 |
Chess Cartoons | 7 |
chess clock | 1 |
Chess Clock time | 2 |
Chess Clusters | 4 |
Chess Empire | 6 |
chess flaws | 6 |
Chess Games | 3 |
Chess Geometry | 3 |
Chess Icons | 19 |
Chess in Iceland | 1 |
Chess Index | 3 |
Chess is dead | 7 |
Chess Log (Mick) | 1 |
Chess Music | 1 |
Chess Olympiad | 6 |
Chess Openings | 16 |
Chess Origins | 1 |
Chess Patents | 2 |
Chess Pieces | 8 |
Chess Server | 19 |
Chess set -Tibet | 6 |
Chess sets | 2 |
chess sucks! | 1 |
chess tournament | 1 |
Chess V | 9 |
Chess Variants! | 1 |
Chess w/ Terrain | 13 |
Chess w/o Pawns | 1 |
Chess w/Terrain | 11 |
ChessAsAWargame | 8 |
chessbasevariant | 2 |
ChessboardMath | 66 |
ChessboardMath10 | 10 |
ChessboardMath11 | 21 |
ChessboardMath12 | 21 |
ChessboardMath2 | 11 |
ChessboardMath3 | 22 |
ChessboardMath4 | 19 |
ChessboardMath5 | 15 |
ChessboardMath6 | 18 |
ChessboardMath7 | 15 |
ChessboardMath8 | 14 |
ChessboardMath9 | 14 |
Chessboxing | 5 |
ChessBrain | 1 |
ChessHeads | 1 |
ChessOfTomorrow | 1 |
ChessRabble | 4 |
ChessV WinBoard | 5 |
ChessV+WinBoard | 1 |
ChessW/Batteries | 4 |
Chezz | 3 |
Circular CV | 2 |
Clicking | 1 |
Clock | 2 |
Cloudy geometry | 1 |
Colourboundness | 8 |
Comment Editing | 1 |
Comment System | 17 |
Comments | 19 |
comments system | 2 |
Complete P Chess | 1 |
ComplexityInCVs | 3 |
Connected Chess | 5 |
Contests | 29 |
Continuation | 1 |
Cookies | 31 |
Cookies & Rating | 1 |
Corners, borders | 7 |
corus 2006 | 16 |
Courier Moves | 5 |
cr. night rider | 1 |
Cracked | 1 |
Crazy chess | 1 |
CRC 10x8 | 2 |
Crook Nightrider | 2 |
CrossnTheRubicon | 6 |
crossthread post | 3 |
Crownprincess | 2 |
Cuernavaca Chess | 1 |
Cute, very cute | 2 |
CV Comments | 3 |
CV Comments List | 4 |
cv controversy | 1 |
CV database? | 1 |
CV demo matches | 14 |
CV Draws | 6 |
CV name? | 4 |
CV on Orkut | 1 |
CV submissions | 1 |
CVCategories | 1 |
CVConvention | 1 |
CVs 101 | 7 |
CVSiteOnMyspace | 2 |
CVwiki | 39 |
CWDA | 1 |
Dablo games | 1 |
Dai-Ryu? | 1 |
DC Area | 1 |
Deep Games | 1 |
Delayed Attack | 4 |
Desert Island | 5 |
Dilarams Pr. | 1 |
Dimen X Prob # 2 | 1 |
Directed Alice | 11 |
discussion | 1 |
Dot org? | 3 |
Double Chess | 1 |
Draw Rule | 3 |
Draw=win scoring | 6 |
Draws | 51 |
Draws & openings | 1 |
Duplicates | 6 |
DVONN | 4 |
e-adress | 2 |
Early Internet? | 2 |
Editorial | 7 |
Editorial policy | 1 |
Einstein | 4 |
Elephant Chess | 4 |
ELO4AllCVgames? | 5 |
email chess? | 4 |
Emergo | 1 |
En passant | 2 |
End of an Era | 8 |
Endgame | 1 |
Error in Preset! | 6 |
error msg | 1 |
Error updating | 1 |
European Chess T | 7 |
Euthanasia Chess | 1 |
Extended Mao-Moa | 2 |
extra piece | 5 |
Extra Queen CVs? | 7 |
Facebook | 5 |
Fadish | 13 |
Fairy-FEN | 1 |
Fairy-Max | 9 |
Falcon / Bison | 3 |
Falling Snow | 1 |
false checkmate | 2 |
FatallyFlawedM/C | 28 |
FatallyFlawedMM2 | 3 |
fdshogi images | 2 |
FEN Editors | 2 |
Ferdinand Maack | 1 |
FIDE Champion | 4 |
FIDE Champions | 5 |
FIDE ELO | 1 |
FIDE ELO Ratings | 1 |
FIDE Top-25 | 1 |
FIDE's for Blitz | 2 |
File Uploads | 2 |
Fischer in Ice | 1 |
Fischer in jail | 29 |
Fischer-Spasski | 14 |
Flexible Chess | 1 |
Flying Chess | 1 |
fool mat | 8 |
Football Chess | 1 |
For the Crown | 12 |
ForwardVSbackwar | 2 |
Franjo | 2 |
French roulette | 8 |
Fuddled Pieces | 1 |
Fugue Preset? | 2 |
Fusion Chess III | 3 |
Future Chess | 4 |
G C glitch | 1 |
G.M. Capablanca | 1 |
Game Courier | 14 |
Game Courrier | 7 |
Game Design | 73 |
game heading | 3 |
Game Idea | 3 |
Game Rankings | 5 |
GameCourier Font | 2 |
Games Magazine | 1 |
GamesMagApril04 | 1 |
Gary Gygax RIP | 2 |
Gaston case | 3 |
Gates and Chess | 1 |
Gating | 1 |
GC Invitations | 7 |
GC Print Feature | 2 |
GC Ratings | 34 |
GC Tourney | 11 |
GC Tourney #4 | 1 |
General Message | 4 |
GM_Vukcevich | 21 |
Gnu compounds | 2 |
Gorgona Chess | 4 |
Gorilla | 3 |
Gothic no more ? | 1 |
GothicChess Live | 6 |
Grand Caliphs? | 1 |
Grand Shatranj | 16 |
Grandchess-2 | 2 |
graphics error | 11 |
GTN-Shatranj | 6 |
Guess who's back | 3 |
half-duck knight | 1 |
Halo Chess | 1 |
HamiltonianChess | 1 |
Happy Holidays! | 3 |
Happy New Year | 1 |
Help - gating | 7 |
Help with images | 5 |
HELP! | 1 |
Hex to Prism | 1 |
Hex to square | 3 |
HexChess (Kirby' | 2 |
Hexes Chess S.S. | 3 |
Hexetera PRESET | 8 |
Hexima? | 1 |
Hidden Ten | 1 |
HideAndSeekChess | 1 |
Higher D chess | 24 |
Hillybillybush | 4 |
HORSE Tournament | 1 |
How Now? | 4 |
How old are we? | 13 |
How to resign? | 8 |
Human psychology | 3 |
Hunting Games | 2 |
Hydra | 4 |
I have a blog | 1 |
I'm Back! | 1 |
I'm back... | 10 |
IAGO | 1 |
IAGO Chess | 5 |
IAGOHallOfFame | 1 |
IAGOleaderboard | 2 |
Icehouse Pieces | 1 |
Immortal Value | 3 |
Imperial Chess | 2 |
Improved Chess | 2 |
incorrect links? | 3 |
Incredible! | 3 |
Init sensitivity | 13 |
Integer Leapers | 9 |
InternetVsGary | 23 |
Inv.Game-Yahoo | 2 |
Invisible Files | 4 |
IRC | 2 |
is it a draw | 2 |
Javascript cv | 8 |
jeppsboardroom | 5 |
Jeppseirawan | 2 |
jeppssovereignch | 31 |
Jetan-Sarang | 1 |
Jez2k | 1 |
jim | 1 |
Joe's Garage | 7 |
Joe_s Garage | 1 |
John's CVs | 2 |
Joker80 | 2 |
Josha's Chess | 2 |
Josha\\\\\\\'s C | 1 |
Josha\\\\\\\\\\\ | 1 |
judgmentality CH | 1 |
Judith Polgar | 2 |
j\'adoube | 1 |
j\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ | 2 |
Kasparov | 10 |
kfourcell | 7 |
king + camel | 1 |
king in check | 2 |
Kirby's HexChess | 2 |
Knight Moves | 3 |
Knightima | 4 |
Korean Chess | 1 |
Kramnik-Leko | 2 |
Kramnik-Topalov | 41 |
Laser Chess | 1 |
leapers | 4 |
Let ThemEatChess | 1 |
lightning struck | 1 |
Limited Bishop | 5 |
Linefeed | 1 |
Little G.M, | 1 |
Little G.M. | 1 |
Little G.M.?s | 1 |
live games | 2 |
Loading games | 6 |
Locust | 1 |
Log file | 3 |
LogicalFollowup | 1 |
Long and Short | 10 |
Long&Short of it | 1 |
Looking for 3D | 1 |
Losing Ch Puzzle | 2 |
Maces | 1 |
Maces & H. Event | 1 |
Madness of Kings | 1 |
Madness? | 6 |
mainevent | 1 |
Making 3D Pieces | 2 |
making friend | 2 |
making pieces | 1 |
makruk set, UK? | 5 |
Manners | 4 |
Mastadon | 1 |
mastering chess | 2 |
MatsNewPieces | 35 |
Maxima graphics | 3 |
Maxima Log | 3 |
Maxima new ZRF | 4 |
member names | 5 |
Merry Christmas | 5 |
MidnightShatranj | 1 |
Mini Shatranj! | 3 |
Missing page | 1 |
Mixed AI | 1 |
Modest variants | 1 |
Molds | 8 |
More Force | 4 |
Morelia Chess | 3 |
movie tip | 1 |
MSG from Future | 2 |
Multiform | 18 |
MultiFormations | 10 |
Multipath Pieces | 3 |
Multiple Move | 2 |
Murphy's Law | 4 |
Musketeer Chess | 3 |
Mutating Chess | 7 |
My email address | 1 |
My game presets | 1 |
MySpace | 2 |
Nakamura | 2 |
Name endings | 1 |
Naming new game | 5 |
Navia Piece | 1 |
Navia Drat Tourn | 1 |
Navia Dratp | 1 |
Nemoroth | 2 |
New 8x10 idea | 12 |
New Caslting | 1 |
new chess game | 5 |
new CV, no page | 2 |
New entry, soon | 1 |
New FIDE ELO | 1 |
new freeware | 5 |
New games, ZRF | 1 |
New Hosting | 46 |
New Member Here | 1 |
New pieces | 2 |
New Variant | 11 |
Newchess | 3 |
Next Kasparov? | 9 |
Next Tournament | 23 |
NextChess | 118 |
NextChess2 | 26 |
NextChess3 | 11 |
NextChess4 | 32 |
NextChess5 | 16 |
NextChess6 | 19 |
NextChess7 | 22 |
NextChess8 | 23 |
NextChess9 | 11 |
NextShatranj | 1 |
Noble Chess | 1 |
Nomenclature_Che | 8 |
Non-BartmessTriD | 1 |
Not enough fun? | 1 |
Nova Chess | 1 |
Nova Chess 64 | 2 |
Nova Chess Beta | 1 |
Nove Chess | 1 |
NY TIMES | 1 |
Oblong Shatranj | 1 |
OFFER! | 2 |
Oh Frabjous Day! | 22 |
Old-style pages | 5 |
Omega Board | 3 |
Omega Chess Set? | 8 |
One-Double-Move | 3 |
OpChess2 | 1 |
OpChess3 | 1 |
open discussion | 6 |
Operational Ches | 3 |
OR-AND Shogi | 1 |
Orphic Chess | 1 |
Other Hexagonal | 7 |
Other objectives | 9 |
Other troubles | 2 |
Ow! | 1 |
Palace Rv Preset | 3 |
Parlour chess | 7 |
Partial compound | 3 |
Pawn drop mate | 3 |
Pawn Exchange | 4 |
Pawn promotion | 7 |
Pawns | 11 |
Pawns-X-forward | 15 |
PawnSacrificeMov | 1 |
Philosophy | 15 |
Philosophy&Chess | 1 |
PickYourPoison | 2 |
Piece articles | 2 |
Piece Ideas | 14 |
Piece info help | 12 |
piece sets | 50 |
Piece values fW | 1 |
Piece-types | 10 |
Piececlopedia | 17 |
Pieces | 29 |
PieceTypeDensity | 5 |
plastic pieces | 2 |
Play this Game!? | 3 |
Playtesters? | 2 |
Ploy | 3 |
Ploy & Feudal | 1 |
Point Systems | 18 |
Polgar starchess | 3 |
Popular variants | 1 |
Popularity of CV | 2 |
Post a Variant | 1 |
Post deleted | 1 |
Posting Article | 4 |
Potluck Free4All | 96 |
PotLuck2008 | 101 |
Preset Bug | 1 |
Price of Chess V | 8 |
Pritchard | 1 |
Problem | 3 |
ProblemThemes | 30 |
ProbThemesThree | 2 |
ProbThemesTwo | 13 |
Programming | 10 |
Programs | 1 |
Programs ELO | 1 |
Proliferation | 69 |
Proliferation9 | 3 |
Protect the kids | 6 |
Proteus | 2 |
Psych. of Chess | 1 |
Pyrrhus Chess | 1 |
Queen | 2 |
Queen vs. Rook | 1 |
QuiviraFont Talk | 8 |
RalphBetzaSpeaks | 8 |
Rapid Chess | 1 |
Ratings List 07 | 18 |
Ratings List 08 | 17 |
Ratings List 10 | 11 |
Re-entering Game | 3 |
ReCharging piece | 1 |
Recognitions | 3 |
Record Attempt | 1 |
Reduced CVs | 1 |
Regionalvariants | 1 |
Registration | 1 |
Relocation | 1 |
Relocation Chess | 6 |
Remove item | 1 |
Renezan's Chess | 1 |
Request | 1 |
Resent | 1 |
Riders/Dragons | 4 |
Rococo Variant | 13 |
RollCoasterChess | 1 |
Rose | 1 |
Rose formulas | 1 |
Royal Amazon | 1 |
Royal Court | 7 |
sacrifice cv | 2 |
Sad Day | 1 |
San Luis World C | 32 |
save ZOG | 13 |
Saved games? | 2 |
sawyer | 9 |
Scandinavian ?? | 2 |
Schizo-Chess | 1 |
scrabblization | 3 |
Search problem | 4 |
Send a move. | 9 |
Shatranj 2 Chess | 2 |
Shatranj Values | 27 |
ShatranjSwapMeet | 6 |
Shogi sets | 1 |
Shogi Xianqi Che | 3 |
ShogiHour | 1 |
Shou Dou Qi | 1 |
Silverlight | 1 |
Sino-European | 1 |
Site Maintenance | 2 |
Slippery King | 1 |
Smarter? | 15 |
SMIRF | 2 |
Soccer Chess? | 4 |
Spacious Lame | 1 |
Spacious + Lame | 1 |
Spartan Chess | 49 |
Sphinx Chess | 4 |
sportsmanship | 2 |
Spotted Gryphon | 9 |
Squad Chess | 1 |
Stack-Chess? | 2 |
Stag Unicorn | 4 |
StalemateVictory | 1 |
Standards | 63 |
Stanley Random | 10 |
StrategiGhess | 1 |
Stratego | 1 | | 1 |
Submitting pages | 14 |
Sudoku Chess | 3 |
Super Chess 1993 | 6 |
Super Knight | 1 |
Supremo | 11 |
Swaggery Unicorn | 1 |
Swedish Cannon | 4 |
Swedish Chess | 4 |
Swiss Hippo | 10 |
Swiss Hippo #2 | 1 |
Swiss Hippo 1 | 1 |
sync chess V | 3 |
Taikyoku Shogi | 4 |
TCVP Women | 2 |
TeaPartyChess | 1 |
Terminology | 2 |
Terry Pratchett | 2 |
Tessellations | 5 |
Thanks | 1 |
The (2,0) Leaper | 4 |
The Castalia | 3 |
The Correlator | 1 |
The Elk | 37 |
The Future | 15 |
The Harpy | 6 |
The Leto | 2 |
The Mammoth | 39 |
The Ninja | 2 |
The Scorpion | 6 |
The Secret Agent | 3 |
Themed Chess | 48 |
TheTraveleres | 1 |
TheTravelersZRF | 1 |
Threaded view | 3 |
Tile Chess | 2 |
Time | 2 |
Time Off | 6 |
Time Warp | 5 |
Time-Chess | 1 |
Timing Out? | 8 |
tiny bug | 1 |
TJChess | 2 |
To Register | 2 |
Toccata | 1 |
Too Many Games? | 1 |
Top 25 in Chess | 1 |
Top-Ten? | 32 |
Topalov on FRC | 1 |
Tourn | 2 |
TOURN 3 GAME? | 4 |
Tournaments | 4 |
Tournements? | 11 |
Tourney Proposal | 2 |
Track 2 | 7 |
Travelers Preset | 1 |
Trianges | 1 |
TripleTournament | 2 |
tripunch dilemma | 1 |
Trying to Log In | 9 |
TsumeShogiProgs? | 1 |
Two new variants | 4 |
Two-timing site | 4 |
Type | 10 |
Type & CV de | 1 |
Types of Boards | 3 |
Typhoons | 3 |
Tzaar a CV? | 22 |
Ultima Log | 2 |
Ultima preset | 7 |
Ultima Variants | 5 |
Unable to delete | 7 |
UnboundChessList | 6 |
Universal Pieces | 12 |
UnivSaveFormat | 8 |
Unsticking Chess | 4 |
Uploading Files | 2 |
Usage Statistics | 1 |
Variant Cartoon? | 2 |
Variant ICS | 16 |
Variant ID Query | 3 |
Variant Pieces | 26 |
Variant Requests | 20 |
Variant Tourneys | 1 |
Vegas Fun Chess | 2 |
Verve | 11 |
Verve Chess | 2 |
Very Large CVs | 14 |
VoxPopuliChess | 3 |
War of the Roses | 3 |
War or Alliance | 1 |
WCC | 1 |
Week Ending | 4 |
Weeks | 1 |
Welcome to 2007! | 9 |
We\'re Glennless | 1 |
We\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ | 2 |
What game? | 3 |
whats up | 1 |
Where is Betza? | 3 |
White Edges | 2 |
WhyVariants? | 9 |
Wikipedia | 4 |
Win or Draw? | 12 |
Winboard F | 12 |
WinBoard-4.5 | 7 |
Wish lists 2011 | 7 |
World Champ? | 1 |
World Chess Ch. | 19 |
World Chess Cup | 2 |
WorldChTourn | 3 |
Wow, we\'re back | 1 |
Wow, we\\\\\\\\\ | 2 |
Xiang Hex | 1 |
Xiang Qi - FIDE | 3 |
Xiangqi Boston | 2 |
xmaspack 06 | 13 |
Xymyx chess | 1 |
Yahoo group | 4 |
Yang Qi errors | 2 |
Yoshiharu Habu | 5 |
Zillions and GC | 97 |
ZOG eval. oddity | 1 |
Zone X | 2 |
ZRF game page | 6 |
zrf help | 6 |
ZRF help needed | 5 |
ZRF questions | 2 |
zz-chess | 1 |
\ | 1 |
\\\\\\\\ | 1 |
$250 GC Tourney | 5 |
'Area moves': a new class of moves | 6 |
0000000100000000 | 163 |
1-3-5-10yearsAgo | 10 |
100 cell chess Vsevolod Dubrovsky | 3 |
10x10 Boards | 22 |
12x12 board queens and berolina pawns! | 11 |
12x12_checkmate | 1 |
15-50-500YrsAgo | 11 |
2.Manticore and 2. Griffin ? | 12 |
2015 Contest | 1 |
2019 Variant tournament | 1 |
3D Chess Set | 1 |
3D chess tower | 2 |
3LWC Chess | 4 |
404 Image | 2 |
4D chess with Allen Pan and Phisics girl (aka Diana) | 4 |
4D+ Chess variants cont.- Compound Moves | 1 |
@ Carlos Cetina | 3 |
@ Fergus Duniho | 2 |
@catugo | 6 |
@wdtr2 | 3 |
A bug in the game courier logs display | 3 |
A could be interesting result about picket like limited sliders on a at least 12x12 board | 4 |
A Farewell | 6 |
A Favorites System | 13 |
A few things. | 2 |
A few thoughts... | 1 |
A Korea raditional board game 용호ìŒë¥™ is very like Ashtapada. | 4 |
A modest proposal about pawns | 3 |
A new error in apothecary chess- classic | 10 |
A personal note | 4 |
A possible tournament - may I set one up here? | 1 |
AAnca vs Griffin on crowded boards | 5 |
About jokers in large Board Games | 12 |
About to test updated comment posting scripts | 3 |
Abstract Strategy Pages | 2 |
Additions to personal menu in header | 1 |
AddSubject | 1 |
adjusted piece set | 1 |
Ads in French | 3 |
Advice | 3 |
AI easy or hard? | 3 |
Alchemist | 1 |
alfaerie2plywood | 1 |
Almost Grand, a very modest variant | 3 |
Alpha Zero paper with CV | 6 |
Alpha Zero plays chess | 31 |
Alternate Pawns | 9 |
Alternators | 1 |
Amphibians | 5 |
Amphibians synergy bonus compared to other compounds | 1 |
An Odd Piece | 18 |
An old Korean chess book | 1 |
Anal Rententive me. | 1 |
AnandvCarlsen13 | 100 |
Ancient Game Pieces | 10 |
Anime shogi variant? | 5 |
Anniversary | 1 |
Anti-Relay Chess | 10 |
Anticheckmate | 9 |
Anybody interested in creating new site? | 8 |
Apothecary chess preset error | 23 |
Apothecary Chess Tournament | 73 |
April_Fool_at_ChessBase | 13 |
Are numbers proportional or not? | 3 |
Asymmetry Chess | 12 |
Attemp of a posting a new game by an inventor | 1 |
Avatar Chess | 2 |
Backup | 1 |
Backups | 3 |
Balancing Random Armies | 1 |
Baron | 1 |
Basic Pieces | 2 |
Bataille astrale | 1 |
Ben Good Email | 1 |
Best Ideas in Chess Variants | 3 |
beta test games | 3 |
bhpawn promotion | 2 |
Bifurcation pieces | 1 |
Big-board CV:s | 1 |
BiKings variant preset query | 4 |
Bishop zebra compound | 16 |
Black Clergyman | 1 |
Black Mage | 1 |
Blockula Chess | 2 |
Blockula Chess and Diarchic Chess | 2 |
Board games and aging | 1 |
BonaFIDE_Chess | 1 |
Borderline | 1 |
Broken Links | 2 |
browser problem | 1 |
bughouse | 2 |
bugs | 4 |
Bull's eye | 4 |
Burmese chess | 2 |
Cabin | 1 |
Caching | 1 |
Calculating Ultima piece values | 12 |
Can CVP site have a chess variants server eventually | 17 |
Can someone please tell me what these pieces are? | 6 |
Can someone review Bishops The Game? | 1 |
Can you look at this | 3 |
Cannon Movement | 3 |
Card Chess w/o R | 9 |
Caster | 1 |
Cetran Chess 3 | 2 |
Change your password | 2 |
Changes to PHP Code | 4 |
changing email address | 4 |
Changing how comments appear | 1 |
Changing the Logo | 52 |
Charles Gilman | 2 |
ChatGPT | 12 |
Chatroom | 1 |
Checkmating Applet | 23 |
Chess Cartoons | 11 |
Chess Conspiracies | 7 |
Chess Dictionary | 3 |
Chess eBooks | 1 |
Chess Geometry | 24 |
chess handicap | 3 |
Chess Handicaps | 7 |
Chess It Up | 1 |
Chess on an Infinite Plane | 12 |
Chess on an Infinite Plane with Huygens Option | 1 |
Chess piece names with period in them | 2 |
Chess Pieces | 8 |
Chess Problems on Rubik's Cube | 5 |
Chess programs move making | 36 |
Chess Remix | 1 |
Chess sets I wouldn't buy | 2 |
Chess skills | 2 |
Chess Solitaire | 3 |
Chess Variant Android Apps | 3 |
Chess Variant channel on YouTube | 1 |
Chess variant design principles | 3 |
Chess variant engines and CECP (XBoard) protocol | 54 |
Chess variant fonts | 7 |
Chess variant Group on LinkedIn | 2 |
Chess variant pieces in the Nishiki-teki font | 1 |
Chess variants (9) suggested by Kramnik | 1 |
Chess variants, Fairy chess or Fantasy chess - what's in a name | 1 |
Chess, Math, & Science | 2 |
Chess-Wargame Fusions | 1 |
ChessboardMath10 | 3 |
ChessboardMath6 | 1 |
ChessboardMath9 | 1 |
ChessPlusDice | 4 |
Chu shogi | 1 |
Circular Chess Board | 1 |
Civility | 2 |
CKEditor support | 27 |
ClassicImageCVs | 4 |
Clergyman | 1 |
Cleric | 1 |
Coalition Chess | 3 |
Cognitive enhancing drugs can improve chess play, scientists show | 1 |
Collection of games inspired by Kevin Pacey and proposed by Aurelian Florea | 8 |
Colorboundmost | 3 |
Comemnt search doesnt work | 8 |
Comment | 1 |
Comment Searching is Working Again | 1 |
Commercial Chess Variants | 1 |
Companion Chess | 3 |
Computer Cheats! | 3 |
Computer Othello | 1 |
Computer resistant chess variants | 56 |
Computer with multi-move cv | 6 |
Confirm Form Resubmission | 4 |
Congrats | 8 |
Conjurer | 1 |
Conquer the opponent's army | 1 |
Contributor status | 1 |
Count | 1 |
CRC | 13 |
Create New Subject | 1 |
Creating a Tag System | 8 |
Crowned Chess | 1 |
CV Gameroom | 1 |
CV in taz | 3 |
CV Pages as Lit | 7 |
CV Tournaments & Events | 1 |
CVs_At_ChessBase | 27 |
cvts | 3 |
CWDA & Joker | 5 |
Dead Contributors | 1 |
Dead email addresses | 2 |
Deleting Accounts | 1 |
Deleting LOGS | 7 |
Design Contests | 2 |
Desperate to sign in | 5 |
Diagram Designer images broken | 6 |
Diagram testing thread | 222 |
Diamond Morph Board Mutator | 1 |
Dibs! | 10 |
Did something change in the Code syntax? | 2 |
Discussions | 6 |
Distance fight GC | 1 |
Diver | 1 |
Do we need raw text comments? | 7 |
Does my ebay link geolocate? | 9 |
Does size matter? | 6 |
Double Castling | 13 |
Double Pawn Move | 2 |
Double Shogi | 1 |
DoubleRace: new game | 1 |
Downtime | 3 |
Downtime a couple of hours ago plus Comments page query | 9 |
Draw a large Xiangqi Board | 4 |
draw claim | 2 |
Draw=win scoring | 6 |
Draws | 3 |
Dream | 4 |
Drop variants | 10 |
Duck Chess are everywhere, but why not there? | 4 |
Duke | 1 |
Duking Falcons - WereQueen | 1 |
Dwarven Chess | 2 |
Dwarven Chess App | 2 |
Dynamic Chess | 1 |
Edit Item Script | 1 |
editing index information | 4 |
Editing old contributions | 5 |
Editor Role Call | 3 |
Email | 1 |
Emperor Wars | 1 |
Enneagram 1 3 5 | 14 |
Entering moves | 5 |
Error in the Courrier games | 6 |
Excellent | 1 |
é’空ä¸å°†æ£‹ Blue Sky Chu Shogi | 2 |
Fairy Pieces Part 2 | 4 |
FatallyFlawedMM2 | 8 |
Featuring new variant(s) | 2 |
FIDE ELO Ratings | 26 |
FIDE Top-25 | 2 |
Finished game courier logs | 7 |
First | 1 |
First move advantage in Shogi | 5 |
First move advantage in Western Chess - why does it exist? | 85 |
Fischer-Spasski | 43 |
Florea Aurelian asking questions about chess programming | 11 |
Footer | 11 |
For the passionate of infinite chess | 1 |
Fortune Teller | 1 |
Frog chess | 4 |
FrogsandPrincess | 2 |
frogsandprincess | 2 |
From svg to physical shogi set | 4 |
Funny Notation | 27 |
Game Courier problem: no rules button | 1 |
GAME Code help | 18 |
GAME code table-driven move generator | 74 |
Game Courier | 23 |
Game Courier Code griffin and aanca by logical coordinates | 2 |
Game Courier Games Logs | 9 |
Game Design | 3 |
Game ending before starting | 4 |
Game not showing legal moves when near a board border. | 3 |
Game Reviews | 3 |
Game tree complexity | 2 |
Games and Pieces | 8 |
General alpha zero | 2 |
Generalized Basque chess | 3 |
Generalizing the two-bishops bonus | 3 |
Geomancer | 1 |
GO DeepMind v. Lee at Seoul | 10 |
Good Web Sites | 1 |
Goodbye Ibis | 5 |
Google adn | 2 |
Google pop-up ads on CVP site | 24 |
Grandmaster with my birthday | 1 |
Graphical Display Bugs. | 2 |
Gryphon Aanca Chess - links broke | 4 |
hanging submissions | 1 |
Happy Holidays! | 7 |
Happy Leap Day! | 3 |
Happy New Year | 2 |
Happy New Year 2022 | 1 |
Headers and footers now invisible to printers | 1 |
Hearthstone Chess | 1 |
Help me correct some Game Courier logs | 18 |
Help Name My Game | 10 |
Help with .ZRF programming: OR, Find the Game | 2 |
Heraclitus: Method for balancing uneven sides, muttators and variants.. | 11 |
Heterodox chess piece Unicode proposal | 15 |
Hex graphics | 1 |
Hex Shogi 91 - Mouseclick question | 4 |
Hexagonal board | 2 |
HexChess | 1 |
historical chess paintings | 2 |
history of chess | 8 |
Hollydays massive proposals - new tradition start ?! | 3 |
Hopping Sliders | 11 |
Horde chess | 2 |
Hostage chess clarification | 2 |
How do I ... ? | 3 |
how do you program a non-capture move | 6 |
How to see all the pieces in a piece set? | 5 |
HTTPS | 7 | | 2 |
Hug Mate -> Paco Shako | 5 |
Huge variants | 66 |
I make new chess Variant. | 2 |
I-Ching Chess | 1 |
Ideas for future of chess variants | 58 |
IDs | 3 |
Image of four level 3D chess set from 1960s Batman TV series | 9 |
Improving Typography | 169 |
Including Piece Values on Rules Pages | 38 |
Infinity chess (Equinox chess) | 1 |
Inflated ELO Ratings | 1 |
Initial moves | 2 |
Inspired by Capablanca Chess | 2 |
Integrating Chess variants project | 2 |
Introducing a new variant: negotiation chess | 2 |
Inventiveness | 3 |
iPad Xianggi app? | 3 |
Is 'No Castling Allowed' Chess played on any CV site | 21 |
IS email Working | 4 |
Is the CV Gameroom mailing list working? | 4 |
Is there a way to know before accepting a challenge what time requirements the game will have? | 7 |
Japanese Temple | 1 |
JavaScript Chess-variant applet | 11 |
JavaScript Test | 1 |
Jester Chess Pics | 1 |
Joclyboard | 1 |
Kamikaze Mortal Shogi | 2 |
Kasparov | 3 |
Kasparov-Karpov | 6 |
KINGDROPS: new game and design goals | 13 |
kings | 2 |
Knight Ceckmate | 2 |
Knight=Bishop on a 10x10 board | 9 |
Korean Chaturaji | 8 |
Kriegspiel variant thoughts. | 1 |
Kudos to Fergus | 6 |
Lack of scaling in larger variants | 1 |
László Szabó Chess Grandmaster - 100 years - 100 translations | 3 |
Let's Fight Hunger Together | 2 |
Let's make a variant - Share Squares | 2 |
Link broken when attempting to submit chess variant.. | 2 |
Link page disappeared | 1 |
Link re: rating eqivalent for odds given in a game of chess | 3 |
Lion Chess | 22 |
Lionlike pieces | 8 |
Live, eat, drink chess variants! | 1 |
Logging In | 14 |
Logical Hexagonal Chess | 3 |
lol | 1 |
lolz | 1 |
Loncubs | 6 |
Looking for | 1 |
Lord | 1 |
M.A.D. Chess | 1 |
Maditation | 1 |
Major update to ItemIDs for user content | 5 |
Maneuvering a Huygens on a Chessboard | 8 |
Mango Town | 1 |
Maorider | 16 |
Marquis | 1 |
Marselillas Chess ... Attempted to Play ... some problem in start | 4 |
Match between Fairy Max and ChessV | 14 |
mate in infinity | 1 |
Material Cost | 40 |
material Cost | 3 |
Mathematical definition of a chess piece? | 4 |
Mating potential and piece values | 15 |
Maxime Vachier Lagrave playing komodo with handicap given | 1 |
Medieval Chess | 8 |
Members' personal information pages | 1 |
Membership | 7 |
memberupload2.php | 3 |
Menu Bar | 15 |
Merry Christmas | 1 |
Merry Christmas 2021 | 4 |
Metamachy | 11 |
Metamachy preset not working | 2 |
Metamachy set | 3 |
Michael Howe's Universal Chess | 3 |
Migrating link pages to database | 1 |
Military Poeces | 5 |
Minima | 1 |
Minishogi | 1 |
minor issue with 1 web page at CV | 3 |
Missile Command | 2 |
Missing descriptions | 20 |
Missing submission? | 4 |
Mitsuku | 1 |
Mobile menus on the play subdomain | 4 |
Modern Courier Chess | 1 |
modest chess | 1 |
MonoChrome Alice | 2 |
Most popular games | 6 |
Most popular pieces | 10 |
Motivation and neutral players | 1 |
Moves via mouse click | 9 |
Moving Site to New Server | 43 |
Muller graphics | 2 |
Multi-levels? | 6 |
Multi-player clocks | 1 |
Multiple=letter piece codes in Diagram Designer | 20 |
Musketeer Chess -- bug or working as designed | 2 |
My Chess Variant page | 1 |
My chess variants | 4 |
My presets not functioning | 5 |
My unreviewed submissions? | 3 |
MySQL | 1 |
Mysterious downtime this morning. | 2 |
Name for ADGH | 5 |
Name this game? | 1 |
Narrower width for content; sidebar ads | 23 |
Negative Seconds | 4 |
New book on chess variants | 2 |
New CV | 3 |
New editor | 3 |
New Game | 1 |
New Game - Elephant Shogi | 1 |
New game on CV - Horseman Pawns | 1 |
New Grand Apothecary Chess Error. | 31 |
New Guy Trying to publish a variant! | 18 |
New Hexagonal chess variant | 1 |
New Latrunculi Variant | 2 |
New menu | 4 |
New online free shogi magazine | 1 |
New piece names | 12 |
New pieces | 11 |
New pieces in TenCubed Chess | 3 |
New Subject | 17 |
New user trying to join | 5 |
NextChess | 34 |
NextChess9 | 13 |
Nice young youtube channel of chess commentary | 1 |
no response from webmasters | 1 |
Noble | 1 |
Normal Pieces | 16 |
Notes to alter game rules. | 8 |
Number of people playing | 3 |
Obento GC page | 3 |
Oblique Alternators | 1 |
Ohhhhh... | 2 |
Ohter names for the anti-rook | 2 |
Old Castle Chess | 27 |
old Castle Chess | 1 |
Omega Chess - Startup | 2 |
omega chess via alphabetical index | 1 |
One of these things is not like the others | 11 |
Open Letter to Garry Kasparov | 3 |
Optima | 1 |
Orbiters | 4 |
Origins of Chess | 5 |
Orthodia | 1 |
Other Chess Variant Sites | 2 |
Outside game design contest | 1 |
Overlord | 1 |
Overwhelming Chess | 1 |
Paradigm Chess30 | 1 |
pawn take a king | 2 |
Pawnbarian | 1 |
Pawnless chess | 11 |
PawnX: new modest vatiant | 19 |
PBEM Tournament | 20 |
PBM Beta-testing | 5 |
PBM bug | 2 |
PBM Bug Fix | 2 |
PBM Progress | 8 |
PBM Update | 2 |
Perl | 7 |
Peter Blommers | 3 |
PHP 7 | 23 |
PHP Functions | 14 |
PHP Scripts | 5 |
Piece aspects | 6 |
Piece Database | 24 |
Piece Density | 15 |
Piece graphics | 6 |
Piece Laboratory | 8 |
Piece names | 6 |
Piece names (What piece is this?) | 9 |
Piece Value | 9 |
Piece Value and Classification | 46 |
Piece Values | 175 |
Piece Values on 8x10 Board | 2 |
Piececlopedia | 2 |
PieceTypeLists | 14 |
Please teach me how to type < W > (Without space) | 3 |
Pocket Chess | 3 |
Pocket Shogi Plus and Pocket Shogi Copper | 1 |
Poll: Who’s satisfied with new main font? | 6 |
Pope Chess | 3 |
Popular Chess variants | 5 |
Possible bug in Grand Cavalier Chess | 5 |
Possible bug with Chess with Different Armies | 1 |
Possible comment bug. | 3 |
Possible issue on Shogi Drop | 2 |
Possible issue on the ability to make a move | 2 |
possible issue with shogi series | 2 |
possible issue with vordrider chess | 3 |
Possible Movement Problem in Skica | 2 |
Possible problem in PGP code | 3 |
Possible problem with Game Courier Logs-can be seen at logs.php | 4 |
possible problem with other games | 1 |
Possible Problem with Shogi (on promotion) | 3 |
possible web-site problem at | 3 |
Posting a word document | 4 |
Potluck Tournament on Game Courier | 1 |
PRE tags should not be added automatically | 2 |
Predator Chess pieces | 11 |
Prefixing convention | 5 |
Priest | 1 |
Primary Links | 3 |
Prince | 1 |
Princess | 1 |
Probleme on this website | 4 |
Problems with Makruk | 5 |
Problems with this website | 19 |
ProbThemesThree | 6 |
Programmer Wanted | 1 |
Proliferation | 1 |
Proposal for New Chess Variant Tournament | 40 |
Pushpawn Chess | 1 |
Pychess Tournaments | 1 |
Quangtrungkì, the updated version/edition of Quangtrung Chess | 6 |
QuestChess font. | 1 |
Question for HG Muller | 8 |
Question on Legal moves | 1 |
Question on PHP Engine or change on legal moves | 5 |
Question on viewing past games | 2 |
Radioactive Queen Chess | 1 |
RalphBetzaSpeaks | 2 |
Random Game Page | 6 |
RANK - scripted chess drama | 1 |
Re: CVP main page: About Chess Variants | 6 |
RE: Kibbitzing comments | 1 |
Ready | 3 |
Recognized1 | 19 |
Regarding entries | 1 |
Regimental Chess - For The Brutal Intellect | 1 |
Report here any pages that are not showing up | 64 |
Review of Submissions | 1 |
Review process for variants | 9 |
Rook-Level Chess | 6 |
Royal Pieces | 3 |
Ruddigore Chess | 7 |
Rules link missing | 2 |
Scholar | 1 |
science and chess and war | 2 |
Scientist | 6 |
Second Best Chess | 3 |
Secret intelligence chess | 2 |
Semantic URLs | 8 |
semi-simultaneous step chess | 1 |
Server crash | 8 |
Setup graphics, piece sets | 17 |
SF Bay Area | 1 |
Shantranj | 1 |
Shogi and legal moves | 2 |
Shogi preset bug | 2 |
Shogimon | 2 |
Shortcodes | 13 |
side-by-side variant | 4 |
Silver Anniversary | 8 |
Simple new CV | 3 |
slide-then-step moves | 4 |
Snipers | 6 |
Something amiss with What's New page? | 3 |
Something is off | 10 |
Something is off | 5 |
Sorcerer | 1 |
Sovereign Chess | 2 |
Sovereign Chess at OrcCon 2018 | 1 |
Sovereign Chess Available for Sale | 1 |
Sovereign Chess on Kickstarter | 1 |
Sovereign Chess Rule Update | 1 |
Spassky-Bronstein++ | 46 |
Spherical Chess Board | 1 |
Spring Cleaning my pages | 11 |
Stalemate | 5 |
Standardization | 4 |
Stockfish and chess variants | 7 |
Stone Garden Variation GC | 2 |
Strip Chess | 2 |
Subjects too sho | 1 |
Summary Prefix | 5 |
Sung Dynasty | 1 |
Supremo | 2 |
svg fairy pieces | 2 |
Switching from Perl headers to PHP headers | 3 |
Switching servers | 2 |
SwopChess: a new modest variant | 1 |
Symbolic Shogi Piece Set | 1 |
Symmetrical_Positions | 2 |
symmetry | 16 |
Tabletop Simulator | 3 |
Tactorius / Arcane Chess | 6 | | 7 |
Tamerlane Chess Manuscript | 2 |
Taste in CVs | 1 |
Temporary Downtime | 1 |
Tentative Rules | 10 |
Terminology: Names for some square boards, extending decimal and dozenal | 4 |
Test | 5 |
test | 1 |
Test comment | 13 |
Test for my new Game | 10 |
Testing | 8 |
Testing createsubject.php and previewsubject.php | 3 |
Testing the new addsubject.php code | 1 |
The birth of 3 new variants - part 1 : Grand Apothecary Chess Alert | 42 |
The birth of 3 new variants - part 2 : Grand Apothecary Chess Modern | 57 |
The birth of 3 new variants- part 3 : Grand Apothecary Chess Classic | 56 |
The birth of two variants: Apothecary chess 1 & Apothecary chess 2 | 290 |
The DIY: 3D Chess Set | 4 |
The earliest Chinese Chess piece | 4 |
The Forbidden Game | 1 |
The Future | 9 |
The Hosting Service | 1 |
The Huygens Chess Piece | 1 |
The huygens chess piece (submitting to be catalogued in the Piececlopedia) | 14 |
The Lost Variant | 18 |
The Menus | 5 |
The new editcomment.php script | 36 |
The nightrider in Grand Apothecary Chess Alert, Classic and Modern | 9 |
The Osprey | 11 |
The piececlopedia page | 3 |
The Play subdomain | 7 |
The power of the imitator | 3 |
The ratings page under the august 2018 menubar uodate | 2 |
The Royal Chess | 1 |
The UR guy | 2 |
Thief | 1 |
This subject name is longer than sixteen characters | 2 |
Thoughts on new chess variant idea? | 2 |
Three Move Draw | 4 |
Three Player chess | 3 |
Timezones | 6 |
Toggle Chess | 1 |
tower siege 3d chess game | 1 |
Trouble making submissions | 88 |
True 4D+ Chess variants | 3 |
True 4D+ Chess variants cont.- Macros & HUD | 1 |
Two bugs. | 2 |
Two Kings - Two Moves - A Double Move Orthodox Chess Variant | 1 |
Ugly | 1 |
Ultima Universe | 8 |
Ultima: German | 3 |
Unable to upload graphics file. | 2 |
Unconventional Warfare Stratagems | 1 |
Unicode Chess characters | 1 |
Unicode conversions | 4 |
Universal leaper (Kraken) | 6 |
Unreviewed page | 3 |
Up for Replacement | 9 |
Upcoming Games | 1 |
Updating pages | 3 |
Upgrading to CentOS 8 | 4 |
Uploading images | 3 |
Use of extended pie rule for chess variants: | 3 |
User ID not appearing in New Submission page | 4 |
User Interface Customization | 1 |
User registration streamlined | 1 |
UserID on CV site | 4 |
Using leaper and leaper-bishop/rook compound or using bent riders | 3 |
Value of pieces | 6 |
Variant and a few other chess terms defined | 6 |
variant by Dudo Erny | 1 |
Variant Requests | 4 |
Video Tutorial | 3 |
Vietnamese Chess | 1 |
Viewing Chess Problems on an eReader | 5 |
Viscount | 1 |
waffle chess preset | 6 |
Was the webseite out the passed few days? | 3 |
We need to mobilize | 81 |
We're back | 24 |
We're Moving to England | 29 |
Weird Rook strength pieces | 22 |
what is play test applet | 2 |
what is play tester? | 3 |
What is the ct table? | 5 |
What is the purpose of this website? | 13 |
What moves can your opponent do. | 2 |
What's New menu updating | 4 |
What's New page and newly‐unhidden pages | 2 |
What's New page error | 3 |
What's New? | 3 |
What´s new? | 1 |
Where is spartan chess? | 1 |
Which one of those chess teams is better? | 5 |
White Elephants | 5 |
White Mage | 1 |
Wikipedia entry re: CVP | 21 |
Wikipedia link re: Margin of error (may be relavent to piece value studies) | 3 |
Will JavaScript code work? | 4 |
Will PHP code work? | 2 |
Will Zillion-of-Games work with 64bit Windows 7? | 6 |
Winter Chess? | 1 |
World Champ | 3 |
World chess championship 2016 | 1 |
Would you like this as a Variant | 4 |
wrong personal invitations | 2 |
Wyvern | 1 |
Xiangqi Variant in Vietnam | 2 |
xkcd comic | 2 |
YellowJournalism | 9 |
Yonmoque | 2 |
zebra vs knight | 4 |
Zillions Files | 1 |
zillions of games with windows 8 | 4 |
ZoG world view | 7 |
ZRF question | 40 |
Ёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёё... | 1 |
Что скажете? (Translations to Russian language). | 14 |