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Prefixing convention[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Charles Gilman wrote on Mon, Oct 13, 2014 01:50 AM EDT:
In this comment, Bn Em asked where adding a prefix Gold- to a piece should simply add the remaiing moves of the general with that prefix. that has never been the general rule, so to speak. In Man and Beast 04 I apply this rule only to pieces that have a uniform move in all the general's directions move of one type. To stick with Gold as an example, the Goldrook builds on a piece with the same move in all its orthgonal directions and the Goldmitre on one with the same move in all its disagonal ones.

Applied to pieces diovergent between forward directions d both kinds, prefixing adds the same kind of move in non-forward directions as the unprefixed piece has in forward directions of the same type. Thus a Goldpawn and Goldyeoman are a Steward and Contrasteward restricted to the Goldgeneral's directions. The Goldsteward is something more complicated still, moving as a Goldgeneral to empty cells but capturing as a Silvergeneral.

Man and Beast 11 extends the first approach to other piece moving in the directions of one of the relevant general's diecrtions, so that Golddabbaba is Dabbaba+Cross and Goldtusk Wazir+Tusk. Applied to pieces with just the forward directions of both components, however, follow the Pawn patter, so that Goldthief is neither Goldgeneral+Thief nor a Thief with the non-forward Wazir moves added but Dabbaba+Tusk. Likewise Goldfaculty is Rook+Tusk and Goldbeak Mitre+Dabbaba.

Prefixing the same article's Pig and Raj pieces is a matter of complementing a component in, in the case of Gold-, either all orthogonal directions or all forward diagonal ones. Thus the Goldsow enhances the Sow's Wazir component, and the Goldsahib the Sahib's Cross component, to Goldgeneral but the Goldboar enhances the Boar's Tusk component, and the Goldmemsahib the Memsahib's Dabbaba cmpomnent, to Goldthief. The Silversow, Silversahib, Silverboar, and Silvermemsahib enhance the other component to the Silver directions. The Goldturtle - which could be defined as Goldgeneral+Silverthief, Sow+Sahib, or Waffle+Fearless - is not even based on an unprefixed Turtle piece.

In summary, the prefixing convention in Man and Beast has never been just about adding the missing moves of the relevant general. A Goldgeneral with the forward orthogonal move extended indefintely but none of the others can also be seen as a Goldsow with its two-step move extended Pocketwise, or the compoumnd of Sowon and Ferzcross. Convenientyl these are two possible interpretations of "Goldsowon", a term that I have not yet formally defined as a piece name but perhaps should. If so it would be in MAB 11 rather than MAB 04.

Bn Em wrote on Sun, Oct 19, 2014 11:57 AM EDT:
I am aware that the prefixing convention is not merely about adding general moves, having used your goldsteward in what is thus far my only published variant. However, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, the goldsowon's move seemed most logical to apply to the hypothetical 'goldwing'. I admit that its presence in MAB 11 is more logical than that in MAB 4.
I see that you have added the goldsowon etc. to MAB 11, but am confused as to what the different possibilities are for silversowon etc.; as I am interpreting it, both options come out as a wazir+silverpickpocket, by extrapolating in the same manner as with silversow (which I'm pretty sure is at least the second interpretation (extending the long moves of the silversow)); if not, what exactly is the first interpretation? If this is taken as the case, I suppose it would also be possible to likewise extrapolate the raj pieces (e.g. silversahibon, brassmensaon, azurenobobon, etc.)?
One other thought for the moment: what about pieces moving in 3 different types of distance or more, e.g. goldsowon+elephant? How these could work is, at the moment anyway, beyond me...
Btw, sorry if I seem impertinent/rude/etc. I don't mean to come off that way, rather enquiring out of genuine curiosity. Answers to any/all of these questions and potentially the many more that I have now or in the future would be greatly appreciated.:)

Charles Gilman wrote on Tue, Oct 21, 2014 02:09 AM EDT:
You are certainly right about the Goldsahibon, Silvermemsaon, et cetera and I should have included them. When I next rewrite this page I will do so.

Regarding the likes of Goldboaron and Silversowon, my first reaction was that you might have a point. What seemed clear to me was that there were not two identical definitions of Goldboaron and its like. What I now realise was not obvious was that there were two obvious definitions at all. The Boaron is a purely diagonal piece, but not a forward-only one, and therefore cannot be made "Gold" simply by adding all Wazir moves. Thinking about it further I can see a justification for interpreting Gold- for the Boaron as replicating on all diagonals only moves of those distances where they are forward-only, as is the case with the Boar. Based on this stretch of meaning they would line up. I will therefore include these on tha basis as well.

It will however take time to complete the rewrite.

Bn Em wrote on Tue, Oct 21, 2014 02:37 PM EDT:
I assume you mean replicating only the FO moves on the orthogonals for
goldboaron and on the diagonals for silversow, rather than on the diagonals
for goldboaron?

Charles Gilman wrote on Wed, Oct 22, 2014 01:57 AM EDT:
Yes, you are quite right.

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