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Open invitations commonly go to both the Waiting Room and the CV Gameroom, but they are not the same thing, and they have no connection with each other. The Waiting Room is a page on this website, and the CV Gameroom is a Yahoo group.
To get your invitations to appear in the Waiting Room, make sure they are open invitations. By default, invitations are private, and you must change this manually for any open invitation.
To get your invitations to show up in the CV Gameroom, you must enter as the email address for your opponent. If you have JavaScript running, and you leave the opponent field empty with an open invitation, it will open a requester that asks you if you would like to insert this address into the opponent field. That is the only way in which invitations go to this group by default. But that is not enough for getting your invitation to show up there. The group allows messages only from members, and it tells whether you are a member by your email address. So, for your invitation to show up there, you must be a member, and the email address you have on record with us must match the email address you have on record with the CV Gameroom Yahoo group. Since the connection to the CV Gameroom is handled by email, and Game Courier does not use cookies, cookies have nothing to do with it.
Hi, Fergus: Thanks for trying to clarify the invitation process for me; I'm now reminded of the difference between the Waiting Room and the Yahoo Group. BUT, I'm still unable to post an Open invitation in the Waiting Room list. If my invitation shows up at the Yahoo Group as well as the Waiting Room, that's fine, but it's clear that the Yahoo Group will not pass the invitation on back to the CVP Waiting Room unless I join their group, which requires enabling cookies, which I won't do, and my invitations aren't showing up at either place. It sure looks to me like Yahoo is standing in the way. The Invitation boxes at the Presets have a box where you can enter 'Opponent's Email or UserID'; what's wrong with putting a link direct to the CVP Waiting Room in the drop-down selection there, thereby leaving Yahoo out of the loop altogether? I don't like outfits that INSIST on using cookies, which enable many intrusions on privacy and which convenience strangers' unstated ulterior motives, a common theme these days. What am I missing here? Seems that we had this same discussion a while back, and I don't recall ever straightening it out.
James, we did have this discussion a while ago. I placed my answers to your previous questions on the FAQ page. Click on the FAQ button inside Game Courier. Anyway, investigation reveals that you have misdiagnosed your problem. It is not that your invitations are not showing up in the Waiting Room. It is simply that your invitations do not even exist. The directory listing of Double Chess logs shows that you have not successfully issued any invitations for this game. You must make sure you fill in all required fields before submitting your invitation. Otherwise, it will not go through.
Your understanding of what the CV Gameroom does is still mistaken. It has no effect on Game Courier, and it does not pass anything along to the Waiting Room. The Waiting Room read a database on this website, and it has been superceded by the Logs page, which reads the logs directly. Yahoo is not standing in the way of your invitations. It is just that they don't exist.
The drop-down selection you find for the "Opponent's Email or UserID" field is created by your browser, not by Game Courier. It is not a true select field. It is just your browser's form field history. Besides that, the Waiting Room and the Logs page do not have email addresses, and any open invitation will show up there anyway.
Hi, Fergus: Well, at first I concluded after your last that I had a browser setting wrong or the wrong plug-in disabled, but I went back to the Double-Chess (Short) Preset, as a control, and tried again. Again I got the notice that 'no invitation sent...', so, jaw in hand, scrolled back up and noticed that the 'Opponent's Email or UserID' box, which I had left empty as per instructions below, had been filled in by the default you mentioned, so I hit the Submit button again, and LO, it worked. I went hunting the CVPages to see if my invitation had gotten posted anywhere, and found it on the Open Invitations page--the format looks like the active logs--and in the active logs (the Moves page), but could not locate the Waiting Room page, which had previously had two highlit boxes saying 'Accept This Invitation' and 'Remove This Invitation,' respectively. Is the 'Waiting Room' a thing of the past by that name? SO, it seems to be working, and again, thanks. BTW, the invitation's for real, even though it was a test; I'll play two games of Double Chess.
I haven't deleted the Waiting Room, but I have replaced the links to it with links to the Logs page. It looks a bit different but has the same functionality. To delete an invitation, enter your userid first, click submit, and then click on the Delete link for the log.
Got it. In the words of the great Larry Smith, 'Okey-dokey.' Nyuk-nyuk!
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