Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To James Spratt wrote on Wed, Feb 1, 2006 10:02 AM UTC:Hi, Fergus: Thanks for trying to clarify the invitation process for me; I'm now reminded of the difference between the Waiting Room and the Yahoo Group. BUT, I'm still unable to post an Open invitation in the Waiting Room list. If my invitation shows up at the Yahoo Group as well as the Waiting Room, that's fine, but it's clear that the Yahoo Group will not pass the invitation on back to the CVP Waiting Room unless I join their group, which requires enabling cookies, which I won't do, and my invitations aren't showing up at either place. It sure looks to me like Yahoo is standing in the way. The Invitation boxes at the Presets have a box where you can enter 'Opponent's Email or UserID'; what's wrong with putting a link direct to the CVP Waiting Room in the drop-down selection there, thereby leaving Yahoo out of the loop altogether? I don't like outfits that INSIST on using cookies, which enable many intrusions on privacy and which convenience strangers' unstated ulterior motives, a common theme these days. What am I missing here? Seems that we had this same discussion a while back, and I don't recall ever straightening it out. Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID GC Invitations does not match any item.