The GAME code in the betza.txt include file updates a variable 'toimitate' in its HandleMove routine, so that it will contain the ID of the piece to imitate on the next move. You could use the trick with the dummy piece also here. Say that its ID would be X or x, you could add this code in the Post-Move 1 section after the call to Handle move:
set toimitate cond == #toimitate p x #toimitate;
And in the Post-Move 2 section the same, but with capital P and X. The == #toimitate p tests whether the next piece to imitate would be a pawn, and if so, changes it to x, but otherwise leaves it as it was.
The GAME code in the betza.txt include file updates a variable 'toimitate' in its HandleMove routine, so that it will contain the ID of the piece to imitate on the next move. You could use the trick with the dummy piece also here. Say that its ID would be X or x, you could add this code in the Post-Move 1 section after the call to Handle move:
And in the Post-Move 2 section the same, but with capital P and X. The == #toimitate p tests whether the next piece to imitate would be a pawn, and if so, changes it to x, but otherwise leaves it as it was.