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Kevin Pacey wrote on Sat, Mar 1 07:22 AM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from Tue Feb 25 10:21 AM:

@H.G.: Well, I posted not too long ago that I found on my own 6 (at least) editor(s) who have the power to publish a given CVP item (such as a CV Rules Page, in my case), and they had visited CVP site since the (still young) year 2025 started. I cannot recall for sure, but that may or may not include Joe Joyce (I am not certain he has such power, given the class of editor he is listed under, with the (not entirely clear to me) description of the abilities that that class of editors has attached to said class. Anyway, Greg Strong does have that power, though he was not among the 6 I refer to further above. Both he and Joe I know how to contact, but haven't since sometime last year, as I recall. In further regard to the 6 I referred to, I do know one editor for sure has played (or still may - haven't checked) on Game Courier on CVP site on quite a few days, besides any time he may devote to regularly looking at any CVP submissions that are as yet unpublished.


Nowadays on CVP site I am not in too much in a hurry to get published CVs of mine that are still in my 'pipeline, just yet. My hot priority right now is to try to initiate (especially among CVP editorial staff, besides interested viewer(s)) very heavy discussion, on this particular Thread (one that can/should include general matters of policy, on publication of any CVs in general [no matter whose CVs are subject to such policy, i.e. whether or not at present, even]). Let's all try to tighten things up, swiftly if possible (though with [minimal] due diligence in any debate or research), in regards to such policy matters, if at all possible. My next hot priority in regard to this CVP site might even be other ways to possibly improve CVP site, perhaps in more appropriate Threads - I have a few ideas so far.

Meanwhile, I have tried to make CVs in general to have a higher profile on the internet elsewhere, at least by way of discussion. One case is my Canadian Chess federations' discussion Board Forum. I contributed a few threads there, one being links to game logs of mine on this CVP site. I also raised more than once with my Chess Federation's current President (in a few threads) the idea of his (besides the idea of having eventually a cheap chess server) supporting chess variants by our federation, if only a relative few at first (such as on a chess server) - in his case, he thought the only CVs of any possible popularity to date would be bughouse or Fischer-Random. Otherwise, he felt that chess variants to be included as worth possible promotion by our federation were (even if just those two CVs I mentioned) a risk of 'diluting the brand of chess' (he has a business degree, I think - I replied there is a risk of not 'diversifying the brand' [a bit of a stretch at this point in time, I admit] - he did not reply to that). In fact, at one point he wrote (I assume other than the 2 CVs he mentioned) that CVs are silly. He has been a relatively solid chess federation prez of ours for many years, so I may have to be patient, or hope he softens his views. Anyway, another website I go to is LinkedIn. It has a (so far small) LinkedIn 'Group' that allows for the general discussion of CVs. I have tried to get more LinkedIn members to Join that Group, perhaps for about a year+(?) - there are now 19 (including yourself), largely thanks to my messaging of LinkedIn members that seemed could be even remotely interested in CVs (the Group initially had just 2 members, then me, for some years before that). If you think of something to post in that LinkedIn Group (now a public one that all may view, for well over a year now), by all means I encourage you. I may have taken some low hanging fruit, though - e.g., notably, a link (in a post of mine, in that Group) to this very CVP site that we are currently viewing as members.

Regards, KP

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