Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

This page is written by the game's inventor, Lev Grigoriev.

Minor Chess Variations

Imagine that you created an excellent game and then have learned that something very similar is already invented. Don't worry. Know that rules often have variations, and your game is one of them.

I'm here with some examples.

InSteæd (Third Knight) Chess

Name is derivative of "Steed" and "Instead". Just place third Knight instead of Queen and forbid Pawns to promote to latter. Game is playable via Game Courier.

Pool (Friend Zone) Chess

This is a variation of Brotherhood Chess. As in this game, pieces (except for Kings) never take a piece of the same type. But unlike it, there's no Pawns, and stalemate is a draw rather than loss.

Overwhelming Chess

Slight variation of Extinction Chess (where's no check or mate, and you have to capture all pieces of any type to win) but Knights and Bishops are now treated as one type.

Eaters (AntiAntiChess)

Like Chess, but castling is illegal, captures are obligatory, and you must take all the opposite army in order to win (so King is allowed to move into check and can be obtained via Pawn's promotion); the main difficulty is that, if you can take several pieces, you must take the piece with the least value (if they are equal, or there are many pieces with that value, you can choose any of them). Pawn costs 1 pawn, Queen costs 9 pawns, but then values are unstable… 

Game is like inverted Antichess but more complicated.


If names of these games are already used or you want to use them, feel free to do so but notify me via comment and I will rename the corresponding paragraph.

This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.

By Lev Grigoriev.

Last revised by Lev Grigoriev.

Web page created: 2024-07-15. Web page last updated: 2024-07-15