Charles Gilman wrote on Wed, Mar 2, 2005 07:44 AM UTC:Good ★★★★
The piece represented by the 'Ethel' rune could be considered a Crooked
Boar. The Boar in my variant Truffle Hunt Chess is also a colourbound
enhanced Ferz on the Pawn rank, but enhanced by the forward moves of the
Elephant with some pieces blocking it if on the intermediate cell. I
interpret the crooked form of a move along either forward diagonal as
alternating between the two, thus a Crooked Mitre would have half the
moves, but only a quarter of the Crooked Bishop's non-Ferz moves.
As a matter of general interest, my own use of Valkyrie is for a 3d
piece, a Rook that can also move exactly 2 cells diagonally OR