On this note, could I suggest something in the interest of quality? How
about playing games in Game Courier from time to time whose purpose would
not be primarily competitive but more like chess study. I mean, play a
game with an opponent but encourage Kibbitz comments during the game, not
concerned that the players will be influenced. In fact, a free discussion
of the game would be encouraged and be reflected in play of the game. The
benefit would not be so much winning the game (unless friendly 'teams'
emerge, like competing philosophies) as gaining more insight into the
game's mechanics, strategy, flaws, aesthetics, etc.
Chess analysis is common, but chess variants analysis is not because the
games come and go and there is not much opportunity to go back and analyze
them. I would even go so far as to suggest that computer advise could be
used to inform the Kibbitzing, something like what I believe Kasparov
suggested for human-computer competition after being crushed by Big Blue!