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ChessV. Program for playing numerous Chess variants against your PC.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Fri, Oct 8, 2004 04:41 PM UTC:
Greg, I tried to load the 5th. test ULTIMA game, saved file, and I found an
illegal move saved (the saved game couldn´t be loaded, by this reason),
number 9, it shows !c2, and the same move is saved as the last move of the
game. You can see it in the list of moves I sent as a comment on the game,
or I can send you the saved file, as you prefer. I don´t remeber what move
I made as 9th., but it was surely legal, and I can´t understand what !c2
As for the program, I finished the 6th. test game yesterday night, and I
Chess V won. It is now strong enough, I think, I used the 'take-back'
facility a lot of times, but the program beated me playing with great
force. Would you tell me what changes have you made in the program?.
Excellent improvements!