Antoine Fourrière wrote on Wed, Sep 15, 2004 12:42 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
I think four categories are enough, and that it is unnecessary to devolve a
category to only Chess, Xiangqi and Shogi. I would suggest:
Classic: a Recognized Variant which is played by thousands of players from
several countries, either through the Internet or face-to-face, and which
has or deserves an International Federation, such as Chess, Xiangqi,
Changqi, Shogi, Glinski, Ultima, Grand Chess, probably Bughouse and
Fischer Random Chess.
Vintage: a Recognized Variant that doesn't feel like it shouldn't have
been Recognized, such as Alice Chess, Extinction Chess, Marseillais Chess,
Omega Chess, Pocket Knight Chess, CWDA and a few others.
Popular: a Variant which is played routinely on this server and is doing
well on polls, but which doesn't qualify yet for a higher rating and
whose exact rules may still be discussed, such as Anti-King Chess,
Switching Chess, Pocket Mutation Chess or Rococo and twenty or thirty
other games when there are dozens of new games on Game Courier each day.
Ancient: To save Chaturanga, Tamerlane Chess, Los Alamos Chess... and the
CVPA acronym.