Derek Nalls wrote on Tue, Sep 14, 2004 12:10 AM UTC:
Your lucid explanation of responsible intents and purposes has allayed
of my concerns. Thank you.
Well, I certainly agree that a select-few, new chess variants should be
able to earn inclusion upon the list of recognized chess variants. I
should have more accurately explained that my root concern is for the
total number and their quality to be strictly protected. I recommend
the select list at the CV Pages should 'fill-up' at appr. 20-40 games
maximum (in my opinion). Thereafter, any new, worthy inclusions would
carry the prerequisite that, upon careful consideration, one of the old
games on the select list (notably, no longer quite as good comparatively)
must be dropped. In this manner, the select list could gradually,
conscientiously evolve in a positive manner in response to modern
improvements within our gameworld.