I think the Interactive Diagram was originally just in a Comment. And I never made any articles for the armies I introduced; I only announced those in Comments to this CwDA article. These Comments do contain an I.D., but only for the introduced army against itself. To allow people playing them against other armies (which of course is the main fun in CwDA) I added those as extra options to the Diagram that already had the main Betza armies.
Later that Diagram was moved from a Comment to the main article, perhaps because CwDA was featured, and the Diagram in the Comment had been pushed way back in the Comments listing. At that point the original Comment containing it was probably deleted.
So please don't modify that Diagram here before I have time to rescue it in the current form by copying it elsewhere. The logical thing to do for me is to write a single article in which I present all three armies (Bent Bozos, Daring Dragons, Silly Sliders), which would then use this Diagram. But that will take time.
I think the Interactive Diagram was originally just in a Comment. And I never made any articles for the armies I introduced; I only announced those in Comments to this CwDA article. These Comments do contain an I.D., but only for the introduced army against itself. To allow people playing them against other armies (which of course is the main fun in CwDA) I added those as extra options to the Diagram that already had the main Betza armies.
Later that Diagram was moved from a Comment to the main article, perhaps because CwDA was featured, and the Diagram in the Comment had been pushed way back in the Comments listing. At that point the original Comment containing it was probably deleted.
So please don't modify that Diagram here before I have time to rescue it in the current form by copying it elsewhere. The logical thing to do for me is to write a single article in which I present all three armies (Bent Bozos, Daring Dragons, Silly Sliders), which would then use this Diagram. But that will take time.