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How to Design and Post Your Own Game. A reference for those who want to post their own games here.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Kevin Pacey wrote on Sat, Feb 22 10:24 PM UTC:

I took a week off after losing my cool a bit, while at my desk at home, in getting some issues about CVP site off of my chest (though I must note that one Canadian chess federation secretary once mentioned, as a general sort of statement, re: a particular online conduct principle of his own: try not to make any kind of 'Comment' while angered, and then click on 'Post', without first trying to cool off). Anyway, not all of those issues were addressed by those who replied so far, but many/most of those issues were (some issues that were not addressed I might later Comment once again on in a different Thread, if that seems more appropriate to me [or other{s}]). I may await any further discussion on CVP policy issue(s) in this particular Thread with interest, unless, e.g., something occurs to me first as a Comment to post here.

First, a lengthy digression: on personal matters of health (things that contribute to the reduction of how much free time I have, even if I were to devote all of it to CVP site), one thing that slowed me down for a time was a shoulder injury that I had some time over a year ago, the eventually intermittent pain of which has pretty well ended. However, for the last few months now, I have been prone to some headaches now and then, of varying degrees of duration/discomfort; I'm pretty sure why they happen. Though note that Napoleon once said (to someone enquiring), as he looked pale after coming out of a pyramid in Egypt (though I paraphrase), 'You would not believe me if I told you why' (in speculation, I would guess if he could now post about that on CVP site, his post might be deleted as being about a matter deemed too controversial - maybe a similar outcome for me if I were to post on what I thought was the general cause of my headaches). Anyhow, [likely] unrelated, I am still waiting for a relatively quick and simple CAT scan procedure for well over a year now (Canada's health care in general is far from the pride and joy [especially for those who used to even boast about it] that it used to be for our nation), and possibly only after that do I get to go to a specialized clinic, to assess any possible serious memory loss issue[s] that I may have, and if so, (aid on)/how to cope.

Secondly, unrelated to all that (and far more pertinent/vital to this Thread): to try and keep this post of mine less lengthy than several I have made relatively recently (lest some/many points I wish to make are more likely to be overlooked, at the least in the short term), I have one major (possibly especially important) point that I wish to be addressed by those who are generally for cloning/merging items (especially for the case of doing it so with individual CVs rules pages) that are authored on CVP. The point is, what if an inventor of all the individual CVs rules pages that might cloned/merged may especially wish that, for example, CVP site members are to be able to individually 'Favorite' (etc.[?]) each of the CV inventions separately? Then what happens? Is that still possible if at least some/all of his CV inventions are cloned/merged? I for one am very keen as an inventor/author on CVP Members having favoriting [etc.{?}] each individual CV of mine as an available option. I await any answer(s) with interest, especially by editor(s), such as H.G. (though others, including Aurelian, may wish to answer my query, too).

Regards, KP