It seems to me that this piece does not work properly (or at least is not represented correctly in the diagram when a black pawn is flew arround): nNnWXnDXnAYnGY. The nN part is fine, but the rest does no seem so.
Indeed. In the old highlighting routine, which is still used for the move diagrams, the n modifier only works for leaps to 2nd or 3rd square. For larger leaps not all intervening squares are tested for occupancy. Perhaps I should fix that, one of these days. This is not very easy, because there is no simple way to get the unit step for a given leap, so that you can step through the entire path to test all squares. So what I do now is just test two points 1/3 and 2/3 along the way, rounded to the nearest square center.
Indeed. In the old highlighting routine, which is still used for the move diagrams, the n modifier only works for leaps to 2nd or 3rd square. For larger leaps not all intervening squares are tested for occupancy. Perhaps I should fix that, one of these days. This is not very easy, because there is no simple way to get the unit step for a given leap, so that you can step through the entire path to test all squares. So what I do now is just test two points 1/3 and 2/3 along the way, rounded to the nearest square center.