If the call stack overflows you must have many more layers of calling. Probably a long sequence of AlphaBeta. So the line gets too long because it awards extra turns all the time. (The forced pass and following move are not counted towards the depth.)
AlterMove calls Tinker (= CustomScript), and doesn't touch 'kind'. So it should not matter which of the two sets the 64 bit in kind.
I would have to test this myself, but might not have time before tomorrow evening.
If the call stack overflows you must have many more layers of calling. Probably a long sequence of AlphaBeta. So the line gets too long because it awards extra turns all the time. (The forced pass and following move are not counted towards the depth.)
AlterMove calls Tinker (= CustomScript), and doesn't touch 'kind'. So it should not matter which of the two sets the 64 bit in kind.
I would have to test this myself, but might not have time before tomorrow evening.