A. M. DeWitt wrote on Fri, Oct 18, 2024 09:17 PM UTC:
I have decided to end my break from inventing Chess Variants and try to be more involved as an Editor. I probably won't be as prolific though.
I have decided not to make the stand-alone Chu Shogi App I said I would make in the previous comment, since the Chu Shogi Appliet I made already fills the role I intended it to fill quite nicely. However, I have released the SVGs I made for such an app in a graphics.dir page page.
To the other Editors: Speaking of which, the graphics.dir index page could be improved, but more on that later.
I have decided to end my break from inventing Chess Variants and try to be more involved as an Editor. I probably won't be as prolific though.
I have decided not to make the stand-alone Chu Shogi App I said I would make in the previous comment, since the Chu Shogi Appliet I made already fills the role I intended it to fill quite nicely. However, I have released the SVGs I made for such an app in a graphics.dir page page.
To the other Editors: Speaking of which, the graphics.dir index page could be improved, but more on that later.