4+A1gk2f1/6s2+P1l/1+H1n4r1e1/5N3mp1/5xpO4/11+L/9Q2/12/3+v8/12/12/12 w - 0 1
Thanks. Once I find the correct line to in order to reach get the mate in 8, I can compile this problem and delete the MD series (which is embarrassingly simplistic by B23's standards).
At that time the MSM was my only source for these problems, and it is a copyrighted source (which also contains the FENs).
I did make sure to cite my sources for the tsumeshogis (which you can find in the "0 - Chu Shogi Tsumeshogi Sources" PDF File in the Applet's tsumeshogi folder.) However, since there is a legal precedent that a Chess position cannot be copyrighted, I did not bother asking for permission from anyone before compiling the tsumeshogis, since the ruling, which presumably extends to Chess variants, would effectively consider the positions to be in the public domain.
Thanks. Once I find the correct line to in order to reach get the mate in 8, I can compile this problem and delete the MD series (which is embarrassingly simplistic by B23's standards).
I did make sure to cite my sources for the tsumeshogis (which you can find in the "0 - Chu Shogi Tsumeshogi Sources" PDF File in the Applet's tsumeshogi folder.) However, since there is a legal precedent that a Chess position cannot be copyrighted, I did not bother asking for permission from anyone before compiling the tsumeshogis, since the ruling, which presumably extends to Chess variants, would effectively consider the positions to be in the public domain.
I also fixed certain problems that needed it.