Hi Kevin and HG. Alas I can't see what is your discussion about cause of a distinction between Private and Member Only. I didn't notice this distinction before, but it is a change which is frustrating as being not an editor I can't see.
Btw and @Fergus, this is not friendly. Either the full discussion is private and I see nothing at all, either is not and as a Member I should see everything.
I have two questions. How is Kirin related to WA? I had always seen Kirin=FD. And Phoenix=WA. Are they cases where Kirin is WA?
About Warmachinewazir. I modestly think I was the first to call WD a War Machine, abridged in Machine, in my oldest variants, first versions of Gigachess, Terachess, etc. Others were calling it Woody Rock following Betza. So what is Warmachinewazir? If it is WD, why not calling it simply War Machine or Machine?
Hi Kevin and HG. Alas I can't see what is your discussion about cause of a distinction between Private and Member Only. I didn't notice this distinction before, but it is a change which is frustrating as being not an editor I can't see.
Btw and @Fergus, this is not friendly. Either the full discussion is private and I see nothing at all, either is not and as a Member I should see everything.
I have two questions. How is Kirin related to WA? I had always seen Kirin=FD. And Phoenix=WA. Are they cases where Kirin is WA?
About Warmachinewazir. I modestly think I was the first to call WD a War Machine, abridged in Machine, in my oldest variants, first versions of Gigachess, Terachess, etc. Others were calling it Woody Rock following Betza. So what is Warmachinewazir? If it is WD, why not calling it simply War Machine or Machine?