Okay, it looks like it was two relevant comments from Z.Su#34>_<. This person might be Chinese given that the video he posted was on a Chinese website. From the context, it seems that gbtami, whom HG identified as the programmer of PyChess, suggested 投 and 殳 for the diagonal cannon. He first corrected him by saying that "we" call it 弩, though he didn't say who "we" was or how long this usage had been going on. In the next comment, he made the suggestion of using both 弩 (crossbow) and 弓 (bow) together in the same pattern as 炮 and 包. While considering the bow and crossbow characters years ago, I settled on 矢, which means arrow or vow, as arrow has a similar meaning to bow or crossbow, and vow sounds like vao. If we wanted a more complex character for the side that uses them, 侯, meaning marquis, or 矰, meaning an arrow with a cord attached for shooting birds, might do.
Okay, it looks like it was two relevant comments from Z.Su#34>_<. This person might be Chinese given that the video he posted was on a Chinese website. From the context, it seems that gbtami, whom HG identified as the programmer of PyChess, suggested 投 and 殳 for the diagonal cannon. He first corrected him by saying that "we" call it 弩, though he didn't say who "we" was or how long this usage had been going on. In the next comment, he made the suggestion of using both 弩 (crossbow) and 弓 (bow) together in the same pattern as 炮 and 包. While considering the bow and crossbow characters years ago, I settled on 矢, which means arrow or vow, as arrow has a similar meaning to bow or crossbow, and vow sounds like vao. If we wanted a more complex character for the side that uses them, 侯, meaning marquis, or 矰, meaning an arrow with a cord attached for shooting birds, might do.