Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Play-test applet for chess variants. Applet you can play your own variant against.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝H. G. Muller wrote on Sat, Feb 10, 2024 04:51 AM EST:

Umm, I see now what the problem is when you try to paste a Diagram specification directly from the Page Source into the PTA. It contains a lot of HTML tags that do not produce any visible output, which I could make show up by first replacing the < character by the escape sequence for it. I then got this as the pasted definition against which the PTA complained:

<span id="line401"></span>files=9
<span id="line402"></span>ranks=8
<span id="line403"></span>maxPromote=0
<span id="line404"></span>promoZone=1
<span id="line405"></span>promoChoice=NBRQ
<span id="line406"></span>graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/alfaeriePNG/
<span id="line407"></span>squareSize=50
<span id="line408"></span>graphicsType=png
<span id="line409"></span>symmetry=none
<span id="line410"></span>baring=0
<span id="line411"></span>pawn (nasty neighbours):P:fWfcnD:pawn:a2,c2,e2,g2,i2,b7,d7,f7,h7,,b2,d2,f2,h2,a7,c7,e7,g7,i7
<span id="line412"></span>double knight:N:N2:knight:b8,h8,,b1,h1
<span id="line413"></span>double step bishop:B:nA7:bishop:c1,g1,,c8,g8
<span id="line414"></span>double step rook:R:nD7:rook:a1,i1,,a8,i8
<span id="line415"></span>double step queen:Q:nD7nA7:queen:d8,f8,,d1,f1
<span id="line416"></span>king:K:KisO3:king:e1,,e8
<span id="line417"></span></span><span></span>

I suppose the best counter measure would be to scan every line for the occurence of the substring 'span>', and then retain only everything that is beyond the last occurrence of that. I do that now, and it appears to solve the problem: I can directly copy-paste Diagram definitions from a Page Source. I also improved the error reporting: when the Diagram script gets a specification it does not understand, it will now first replace all < caharacters by their HTML escape sequence, so that the browser will no longer recognize any HTML tags in it, and display these as encountered in the error message.

[Edit] While at it, I also expanded the capabilities of the Move-Definition Aid to understand leaps to the 4th ring. (As I already did yesterday in the Checkmating Applets.) Originally the 4th ring was only there for seeing when you had defined a rider, or for cutting the range of a slider. Perhaps I should increase the size of the panel, so that you could also see or enter 5th-ring moves.