🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Thu, Jan 11, 2024 02:16 PM EST:
Since Kevin Pacey was having problems with a preset he generated with this applet, and I have never tried to generate a preset with it before, I generated one as a test to see what I would get, and I saw this in the generated code:
set mypieces assoc
P "wpawn.png" p "bpawn.png"
K "wking.png" k "bking.png"
G "wwildebeest.png" g "bwildebeest.png"
H "wbird.png" h "bbird.png"
S "wsquirrel.png" s "bsquirrel.png"
C "wchampion.png" c "bchampion.png";
setsystem dir "/graphics.dir/alfaeriePNG35/";
setsystem pieces #mypieces;
I strongly recommend against including code like this. Instead of this, I would recommend using one of the auto sets or a complete enough set, then adding aliases for any piece whose notation does not match the label provided by the set. The auto sets would be useful for this, because the auto labels, being based on piece names, are easy enough to calculate. In this case, you would want to use the auto-alfaeriePNG35 set with code like this:
P PAWN p pawn
K KING k king
G WILDEBEEST g wildebeest
H BIRD h bird
S SQUIRREL s squirrel
C CHAMPION c champion;
Also, the FEN was inaccurate. It gave me this: 4k55K3.
As you can see, it omitted every piece except the King. Using an auto set, you could correctly calculate the FEN. In this case, it would be something like this:
Since Kevin Pacey was having problems with a preset he generated with this applet, and I have never tried to generate a preset with it before, I generated one as a test to see what I would get, and I saw this in the generated code:
I strongly recommend against including code like this. Instead of this, I would recommend using one of the auto sets or a complete enough set, then adding aliases for any piece whose notation does not match the label provided by the set. The auto sets would be useful for this, because the auto labels, being based on piece names, are easy enough to calculate. In this case, you would want to use the auto-alfaeriePNG35 set with code like this:
Also, the FEN was inaccurate. It gave me this:
.As you can see, it omitted every piece except the King. Using an auto set, you could correctly calculate the FEN. In this case, it would be something like this: