I have found a page I never uploaded for a game called Thule, which I gave as a new name for the game I was previously calling Supremo. But maybe I'll publish it under the name Supremo, since people have been waiting for it by that name. Briefly, it is like Ultima, but it replaces the Withdrawer with the Pushme-Pullyu, the Coordinator with the Swapper from Rococo, and the Pincer Pawns with Rammers. A Rammer may move up to two spaces, pushing any piece in its way ahead of it. It can push no more than one piece, and it captures by pushing a piece off the board or into another piece. This is to discourage the doubling up of pieces that serve as a protection against Long Leaper captures. Finally, the Long Leaper can now capture a piece on the edge of the board by leaping off the board in a full kamikaze move that removes it from the game. While it might not always be wise to do this, this does enhance its checking power.
I have found a page I never uploaded for a game called Thule, which I gave as a new name for the game I was previously calling Supremo. But maybe I'll publish it under the name Supremo, since people have been waiting for it by that name. Briefly, it is like Ultima, but it replaces the Withdrawer with the Pushme-Pullyu, the Coordinator with the Swapper from Rococo, and the Pincer Pawns with Rammers. A Rammer may move up to two spaces, pushing any piece in its way ahead of it. It can push no more than one piece, and it captures by pushing a piece off the board or into another piece. This is to discourage the doubling up of pieces that serve as a protection against Long Leaper captures. Finally, the Long Leaper can now capture a piece on the edge of the board by leaping off the board in a full kamikaze move that removes it from the game. While it might not always be wise to do this, this does enhance its checking power.