A text editor is any aid that allows you to add, delete and modify text on a computer. When you type a message for posting it here, you are using a text editor included in the comment-submission page. Even when you have selected Text mode in the pull-down below it, it is still a text editor, but just a simple one. And simple is good! It means 'what you type is what you get', no nonsense added. In 'What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG)' mode the text editor assumes the text you are typing will be used for displaying on a web page, and adds all kinds of (hidden) cruft in it as layout instructions to the web browser for how to display it, which other programs than web browsers will choke on.
I have been typing this message in text mode as a reply to Haru's message, and copied the diagram he posted into it. This shows there are empty lines between the lines of the diagram, that don't belong there. So I deleted those:
Although this looks better in the comment, copying it from the web page with the published comment still adds cruft, for indicating the line breaks to the browser (which otherwise would be joining all these lines into one to fill out the lines). But while it is in the edit rectangle where you are typing it it is still uncorrupted.
So what you do to copy a Diagram to the Play-Test Applet is this:
1) Open an extra tab in your browser, where you surf to the Play-Test Applet.
2) in the original tab, reply to the comment that contained the diagram as text (like Haru's).
3) in the edit page that appears, select text mode.
4) copy-paste the lines of the diagram from the comment you are replying to, which appears above the edit rectangle.
5) repair any damage this 'copying' might have done (such as adding empty lines) in the edit rectangle.
6) now select those lines, copy them (by rightclickin and selecting 'copy' from the menu, or typing Ctrl-C).
7) Go to the tab with the Play-Test Applet, and paste it there. This should make th Diagram appear.
8) You can the use the GAME code button
Because this message was posted in Text mode, you can directly select and copy the Diagram lines from this Comments page, and don't have to go through the process I sketched to convert it to plain text. And then paste those into the Play-Test Applet.
Of course it might have been easier to create the Diagram yourself in the Play-Test Applet than copying it from someone else. It doesn't seem all that hard to move 6 different types of pieces from the table to a 10x10 board. But it seems you are bent on doing it the hard way...