How much of this could be incorporated in the regular version of betzaNew.js for improving the behavior under 'size pressure'? I suppose the new cell-size directives would always be an improvement?
The rim-suppression color is a bit tricky, as I already made so many Diagrams that use FFFFFF for this. But I suppose it would not be harmfull to suppress it on both FFFFFF and FFFFF0. But perhaps it would be better to keep using FFFFFF as 'signalling code' for rim suppression, and let the Diagram use FFFFF0 in that case for the color of the part of the rim it still displays (as background for the coordinates). This method would be more robust in the hypothetical case we would ever want to change the page background color. The replacement color could be defined as a variable at the start of the script. Or perhaps the script could even be made smart enough to extract it from the surrounding HTML element?
How much of this could be incorporated in the regular version of betzaNew.js for improving the behavior under 'size pressure'? I suppose the new cell-size directives would always be an improvement?
The rim-suppression color is a bit tricky, as I already made so many Diagrams that use FFFFFF for this. But I suppose it would not be harmfull to suppress it on both FFFFFF and FFFFF0. But perhaps it would be better to keep using FFFFFF as 'signalling code' for rim suppression, and let the Diagram use FFFFF0 in that case for the color of the part of the rim it still displays (as background for the coordinates). This method would be more robust in the hypothetical case we would ever want to change the page background color. The replacement color could be defined as a variable at the start of the script. Or perhaps the script could even be made smart enough to extract it from the surrounding HTML element?