Currently they are. But it is my intention to allow comma separation of multi-character piece IDs. In that case, if a row of the matrix contains a comma, it would split the row by comma, and take the n-th string of the split rather than the n-th character of the row as the piece ID.
After a long period of selecting all the pieces, I saved the setup to come back and build the Capture Matrix later. It won't let me do that! I can load it, but I can't do anything with the Capture Matrix. (I'd build the Capture Matrix manually, but there's no demonstration of what that should look like.)
I suppose you are referring to the submission page with a provision for diagrams? I have not really considered what would be needed to edit an existing submission that contains a Diagram. I suppose this would be hard, as the final product of this is the HTML code for the diagram in the Setup section. I suppose I could peel that out (in case other text was added to that section), and treat it like it was pasted in the Play-Test Applet. This would limit the piece table to the pieces in the diagram, though, so you could not add additional pieces. So it would not provide full editing capability.
Anyway, the captureMatrix is not hard to add manually. Basically you just write all rows separated by slashes. There are many shortcuts for saving on typing, (which are not used by the applet on the submission page that generates it), all explained in the Interactive Diagrams article.
Not really a problem, but in the end does it matter what order the pieces are (discounting Pawns at the beginning and Royals at the end)?
The Diagram's AI searches captures sorted by value of the victim (high to low), and then in ascending table order of the attacker. Since it is usually most best to capture with the least-valuable piece (e.g. imagine a protected Rook attacked by a Knight and a Queen), it would slow down the search if the table order differs significantly from low value to high value. But in the end it would find the same move (unless two moves really have exactly the same score).
Currently they are. But it is my intention to allow comma separation of multi-character piece IDs. In that case, if a row of the matrix contains a comma, it would split the row by comma, and take the n-th string of the split rather than the n-th character of the row as the piece ID.
I suppose you are referring to the submission page with a provision for diagrams? I have not really considered what would be needed to edit an existing submission that contains a Diagram. I suppose this would be hard, as the final product of this is the HTML code for the diagram in the Setup section. I suppose I could peel that out (in case other text was added to that section), and treat it like it was pasted in the Play-Test Applet. This would limit the piece table to the pieces in the diagram, though, so you could not add additional pieces. So it would not provide full editing capability.
Anyway, the captureMatrix is not hard to add manually. Basically you just write all rows separated by slashes. There are many shortcuts for saving on typing, (which are not used by the applet on the submission page that generates it), all explained in the Interactive Diagrams article.
The Diagram's AI searches captures sorted by value of the victim (high to low), and then in ascending table order of the attacker. Since it is usually most best to capture with the least-valuable piece (e.g. imagine a protected Rook attacked by a Knight and a Queen), it would slow down the search if the table order differs significantly from low value to high value. But in the end it would find the same move (unless two moves really have exactly the same score).