Ben Reiniger wrote on Fri, Oct 20, 2023 03:12 PM UTC:
(Can we please keep these two discussions on their relevant threads: Favorites and proposals for new/additional systems here, and the Featured variants on that page?)
Since the "127 favorites" from my 2018 comment on this thread came up, let me point out the reporting page that generates the table on demand. That user, right now, is up to 147 favorites, but has been overtaken by two users, with 187 and 389 favorites. Another thing to note is there are ~170 users who have favorited something. I'd be interested in seeing something broken down by self-favorites.
I'm pretty sure we used to have a cap on favorites, differentiated into three or so tiers (editors, contributors, members?). I'm in favor of doing something like that again, whether instituted as a points system to further distinguish "how much" someone favors a game or not. Simplicity in the UI is important though. Let's keep discussing.
Another thing I'd like to address: this list is now too long, IMO. I'd suggest dropping the one-favorite games, adding instead a link to a separate page for that list. Also note that there's a bug with favorited pages with no name or description provided here...
(Can we please keep these two discussions on their relevant threads: Favorites and proposals for new/additional systems here, and the Featured variants on that page?)
Since the "127 favorites" from my 2018 comment on this thread came up, let me point out the reporting page that generates the table on demand. That user, right now, is up to 147 favorites, but has been overtaken by two users, with 187 and 389 favorites. Another thing to note is there are ~170 users who have favorited something. I'd be interested in seeing something broken down by self-favorites.
I'm pretty sure we used to have a cap on favorites, differentiated into three or so tiers (editors, contributors, members?). I'm in favor of doing something like that again, whether instituted as a points system to further distinguish "how much" someone favors a game or not. Simplicity in the UI is important though. Let's keep discussing.
Another thing I'd like to address: this list is now too long, IMO. I'd suggest dropping the one-favorite games, adding instead a link to a separate page for that list. Also note that there's a bug with favorited pages with no name or description provided here...