Bob , I wanted to say that the XBetza RA can be named by the sun god. That is a piece that moves as a rook or jumps 2 squares diagonally!
Ah, OK. I might be able to figure something out on that. (If nothing else, it'd make for an interesting counterpart to the Bede.)
I have the BZ present in one of my Grand apothecary games. There it is named Sangoma as Fergus has suggested to me.
At first blush, I was resistant to that, but since looking it up I actually like that name. I'll either change the Kuhani, or at least note the Sangoma name on the Thingiverse listing. (Sangoma might also be a good name for AZ, since an AN is a Hospitaller.)
Addendum: I just was pondering what would be good for a Gnu, and the range for that creature is southern Africa. That would be a good area for Zulu names like Sangoma (along with Umbusi and Indlovukazi). And that, of course, will lead to the central African okapi and the American (Salish) bison.
Ah, OK. I might be able to figure something out on that. (If nothing else, it'd make for an interesting counterpart to the Bede.)
At first blush, I was resistant to that, but since looking it up I actually like that name. I'll either change the Kuhani, or at least note the Sangoma name on the Thingiverse listing. (Sangoma might also be a good name for AZ, since an AN is a Hospitaller.)
Addendum: I just was pondering what would be good for a Gnu, and the range for that creature is southern Africa. That would be a good area for Zulu names like Sangoma (along with Umbusi and Indlovukazi). And that, of course, will lead to the central African okapi and the American (Salish) bison.