But it is hard for me to see how these two pieces would be put to practical use. Say on a very large board, which I'd recommend at least 20x20 for all the moves to make a difference, this piece is hard to defend against as it hits from heavens know where. Making it lame (a maorider compound) would hinder this piece too much. The 5 leaps would practically be useless. So you need some clever way to include them. I'm thinking that minor pieces would be able to block them on some intermediary steps, but not all pieces.
But it is hard for me to see how these two pieces would be put to practical use. Say on a very large board, which I'd recommend at least 20x20 for all the moves to make a difference, this piece is hard to defend against as it hits from heavens know where. Making it lame (a maorider compound) would hinder this piece too much. The 5 leaps would practically be useless. So you need some clever way to include them. I'm thinking that minor pieces would be able to block them on some intermediary steps, but not all pieces.