"Progressive" in variants usually means increasing moves per turn; the title could be confusing.
then exactly your statement happens, namely that the pawn now has 6 possibilities instead of two to capture.
@ H.G.:
What does it mean: "is obsolete"? If you mean "not allowed in this variant", then better say it. Because there are plenty of people that wouldn't see any harm in doing obsolete things...
Here I do not understand you. 'Obsolete' does not mean 'out of date', but redundant. With my variation, the 'en passant' rule becomes unnecessary.
@ Ben: Thank you for your kind comment.
When you say:
then exactly your statement happens, namely that the pawn now has 6 possibilities instead of two to capture.
@ H.G.:
Here I do not understand you. 'Obsolete' does not mean 'out of date', but redundant. With my variation, the 'en passant' rule becomes unnecessary.