HG: Should I just use the plain dot for those spaces, then? Or would it be better to just ditch that entirely, and go straight to the alternate?
Aurelian: 3+,~(4,2) for the Lancer? That could work. I'd also consider ~(4,2),c2-3✴ (the original long leap, but can also capture 2-3 spaces away (non-leaping) in any direction, making the piece no longer colorbound).
Open: Since nothing's been said about the new icons on the Setup board, I think I'll assume that they're fine, and start updating the move illustrations as soon as we iron out the Archer, Lancer, and Tank.
HG: Should I just use the plain dot for those spaces, then? Or would it be better to just ditch that entirely, and go straight to the alternate?
Aurelian: 3+,~(4,2) for the Lancer? That could work. I'd also consider ~(4,2),c2-3✴ (the original long leap, but can also capture 2-3 spaces away (non-leaping) in any direction, making the piece no longer colorbound).
Open: Since nothing's been said about the new icons on the Setup board, I think I'll assume that they're fine, and start updating the move illustrations as soon as we iron out the Archer, Lancer, and Tank.
And what about the Tank alternate?