I see that Nicholas Wolff once won a game of Bishop Knight Morph Factor. Joe Joyce's Pieces thread from 2009 contains some interesting comments on various pieces, including Changelings. Looking back on my 2007 comment here, what if a Pawn promoting to a Rotator can choose the R/N/B mode? That allows a player promoting to a Rotator [N mode] to deliver a needed Knight check, while obtaining a new piece that is (perhaps) twice as valuable as a Knight.
NOTE: many old thread links here use subjectid which must be replaced by itemid
I see that Nicholas Wolff once won a game of Bishop Knight Morph Factor. Joe Joyce's Pieces thread from 2009 contains some interesting comments on various pieces, including Changelings. Looking back on my 2007 comment here, what if a Pawn promoting to a Rotator can choose the R/N/B mode? That allows a player promoting to a Rotator [N mode] to deliver a needed Knight check, while obtaining a new piece that is (perhaps) twice as valuable as a Knight.
NOTE: many old thread links here use subjectid which must be replaced by itemid