It's happening with A, S, G, and D. These are the four that are assigned to images that originally had different piece labels. Curiously, when I have it display a list of the pieces, it shows this, which I believe is correct, yet it still shows the wrong pieces.
But when I assign pieceset to a variable and have it say it, it gives me an empty string. However, it appears that the value of pieceset is not the problem. Despite having the correct images in $pieces, it is displaying the original images from the set.
I'm not sure what is going on. However, switching to the use of aliases should fix this. Using aliases will not change the labels used to display pieces. With aliases, there is a strict separation between your labels and your notation, and you should always see the correct images. The main catch is that you have to make sure all your functions, subroutines and other code properly handle aliases. The fairychess include file, which this preset is using, does properly handle aliases, and you just have to make sure that any additional code also handles aliases. Check the tutorial for this include file for more information.
It's happening with A, S, G, and D. These are the four that are assigned to images that originally had different piece labels. Curiously, when I have it display a list of the pieces, it shows this, which I believe is correct, yet it still shows the wrong pieces.
But when I assign pieceset to a variable and have it say it, it gives me an empty string. However, it appears that the value of pieceset is not the problem. Despite having the correct images in $pieces, it is displaying the original images from the set.
I'm not sure what is going on. However, switching to the use of aliases should fix this. Using aliases will not change the labels used to display pieces. With aliases, there is a strict separation between your labels and your notation, and you should always see the correct images. The main catch is that you have to make sure all your functions, subroutines and other code properly handle aliases. The fairychess include file, which this preset is using, does properly handle aliases, and you just have to make sure that any additional code also handles aliases. Check the tutorial for this include file for more information.