The same problem is happening in presets that don't check the value of pieceset. The Skica preset I mentioned at first has this
set mypieces assoc
P "wpawn.png" p "bpawn.png"
N "wknight.png" n "bknight.png"
B "wbishop.png" b "bbishop.png"
R "wrook.png" r "brook.png"
Q "wqueen.png" q "bqueen.png"
K "wking.png" k "bking.png"
C "wcamel.png" c "bcamel.png"
W "wwildebeest.png" w "bwildebeest.png"
I "wbishopinv.png" i "bbishopinv.png"
U "wqueeninv.png" u "bqueeninv.png"
S "wrookinv.png" s "brookinv.png";
setsystem dir "/graphics.dir/alfaeriePNG/";
setsystem pieces #mypieces;
The same problem is happening in presets that don't check the value of pieceset. The Skica preset I mentioned at first has this