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ChessV. Program for playing numerous Chess variants against your PC.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
📝Greg Strong wrote on Mon, Dec 5, 2022 02:58 PM UTC in reply to Aurelian Florea from Sat Dec 3 11:54 PM:

I just posted a new build: ChessV 2.3 RC4

This will be the final pre-release build before I officially release version 2.3 by Christmas.  It addresses a number of things you've asked about.

There is a new evaluation for the Joker to make it's value proportional to the average value of the enemy's pieces.  This will not be reflected when looking at the Joker's properties.  The built-in material value can't change but the evaluation will scale them up or down as appropriate.  (Much like the Pawn's properties don't reflect evaluation changes related to pawn structure.)  To use this in a custom game, you'll need to add the evaluation:  AddEvaluation( JokerEvaluation( Joker ) );  (where "Joker" is the name of the piece type to receive the evaluation adjustment.)

You can pause or change the clocks.  This will let you play a game with a time advantage.  Just click in the clock panels when it is your time to move and the clocks will pause and it will give you a dialog box allowing you to resume and/or change the times.  But it must be your turn - clicking on the clock panel when it's the computer's turn won't do anything.

The maximum number of directions has been increased to 72.

The <1, 2> direction notation has been standardized.  Now in all places the file offset comes first and the rank offset second.

Lots of improvements to the scripting language.  Many things have been cleaned up to require less code.  New capabilities have also been added, such as allowing piece shuffling by custom logic which will be mapped to position numbers.  (See the include files for Arktur or Massai for examples.)

There were a couple of breaking changes to the scripting language.  If you email me your include files, I'll update them.  They could use an update anyway.  Looking at the code you posted there is a lot of extraneous stuff.  There is no need to define PieceTypes outside of the game.  Games can define custom types on-the-fly.  And there is no reason to specify all the specific movements except in very unusual circumstances (e.g. Osprey).  In most cases you can just set the XBetza property.