Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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ChessV. Program for playing numerous Chess variants against your PC.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
H. G. Muller wrote on Sun, Nov 20, 2022 01:27 AM EST in reply to Greg Strong from Sat Nov 19 08:38 PM:

International Draughts is such a game: not only is capture mandatory, but you must capture the most chips that you can.

In Suicide only non-captures are FallBackLegality, and you never want to consider these in QS. So it is a moot point. (Note, however, that the champion Draughts program Scan does consider moves that invite capture in QS, and considers a position only quiet when there are no such moves, and no captures.) In Jumping there can be captures amongst the FallBackLegality. You must consider those in QS, but only when you actually have to fall back, of course. Always consider the highest non-empty class, and none other.

You have to assign a class to standing pat, to decide whether you can do that, and whether that would be higher class than de highest non-empty class amongst the captures. Usually this can be based on statistics. For Suicide and Jumping stand pat is always FallBackLegality. So no standing pat when there are legal captures. For Golem stand-pat will be legal. So no FallBackLegal captures.

What you want to consider in QS can very well depend on variant. Beside captures one usually considers promotions. In Shogi considering promotions for pieces already in the zone is counterproductive. Promotion is almost a certainty there, and the static eval can assume, say, 90% of the value. Most Chess programs consider non-capture check evasions.