Turning the Raven is currently not implemented.
The article is not clear enough about how this works.
Can a Raven that is allowed to turn immediately move to the second square orthogonally
in the direction it turned?
The Interactive Diagram could not apply restrictions as 'only once in so many moves' anyway.
I assumed Horses promote on last rank to Policeman, Ox, Index or Raven.
The article doesn't say anything about that.
In what orientation would a Raven obtained through promotion start?
Stone Garden Chess
Turning the Raven is currently not implemented. The article is not clear enough about how this works. Can a Raven that is allowed to turn immediately move to the second square orthogonally in the direction it turned? The Interactive Diagram could not apply restrictions as 'only once in so many moves' anyway.
I assumed Horses promote on last rank to Policeman, Ox, Index or Raven. The article doesn't say anything about that. In what orientation would a Raven obtained through promotion start?