Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Aurelian Florea wrote on Fri, Oct 21, 2022 04:04 AM EDT in reply to H. G. Muller from 03:04 AM:

@Greg&@HG, Now there is the trouble that the ai moves the pawns ahead of the possible location of the castling king, or ahead of the castled king, again quite arbitrary. There is only one heavy piece besides the queen in the games I mention (between the value of the rook and of the queen) so deadly back rank incursion from the enemy don't seem the desirable. But there are 26 pieces /side, and some pawns need to move to bring some air into the position. So maybe some penalty from leaving pawns on one side OR the other side is welcome. This as it is needed to move some flank pawns in order to develope quickly. I agree with HG, KingSlayer approach. Maybe you can customize all of that, Greg.

There is one more issue. With a 10 files board one needs to get out three pieces before castling. In the games I had mentioned there are the bishops by the queen and king and 2 leapers. Then there are the rooks. On the other side there is also the queen. The fact that you have to take out 3 pieces hinders castling a bit. I was thinking about a "Bishop jumping rule during castling". This means the castling king may jump the bishop when castling but not to other pieces. Would this be a good idea. What do you guys think?