H. G. Muller wrote on Tue, Oct 18, 2022 08:00 PM UTC:
Well, it doesn't seem worse than Capablanca Chess and similar 10x8 variants. There you have 3 Queen-class pieces, here only 2. Here there are 2 pieces in between Rook and Queen, though (Squirrel and Crowned Rook). But the board here is 12 wide instead of 10. A agree that it is a bit short on weaker pieces, with only an extra Guard. But very many variants suffer from that; here at least there is an extra light piece.
Well, it doesn't seem worse than Capablanca Chess and similar 10x8 variants. There you have 3 Queen-class pieces, here only 2. Here there are 2 pieces in between Rook and Queen, though (Squirrel and Crowned Rook). But the board here is 12 wide instead of 10. A agree that it is a bit short on weaker pieces, with only an extra Guard. But very many variants suffer from that; here at least there is an extra light piece.