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Play-test applet for chess variants. Applet you can play your own variant against.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝H. G. Muller wrote on Mon, Nov 29, 2021 01:43 PM EST in reply to Jean-Louis Cazaux from 11:41 AM:

How to remove a piece from the diagram. For example if I want to put the King on another square than those on which they stand by default?

You can move the pieces over the board, just like you can when you use the diagram for playing. If you want to remove a piece that you selected by mistake, but do not want on the board after all, it is a bit more tricky: you would have to capture it with another piece, and the Diagram only accept attempts to capture if they are pseudo-legal moves (i.e. when the piece to capture gets highlighted when you select the piece you are going to capture it with.) Best way is just to move the piece next to the opposing king (moves to empty squares are always accepted, even when not pseudo-legal), and then capture it with the king, and finally move the king back to where it belongs.

Also, how to use "paste an existing diagram". For example, I want to create a play-test for Shako. What can I paste in that box, an image? the link for the shako page? something else? I don't know how to use this?

That box is for pasting diagram descriptions of the type you get when you press the 'Show HTML' button at the bottom of the article. It is intended for trying out diagrams that you modified by editing the text of their description, e.g. to implement some features that the Play-Test applet would not allow you to switch on. Such as Shogi-style promotion. You can then first make the Diagram without that feature, ask for the HTML, paste it in a text editor to modify it, and copy-paste the modified version back into the diagram. Or when you get a Diagram from another page (by asking for 'Page Source', and copy-paste from there. (I discovered that also there you have to paste it into a text editor first; directly copying from the Page Source seems to leave in all kind of invisible formatting information the Play-Test Applet chokes on.)

E.g. when you want two promoting piece types, you would have to add the line maxPromote=2 to the Diagram description, otherwise only Pawns will promote.

[Edit] I forgot to say: there is also a button for creating GAME code for automating a Game Courier preset. Originally the paste box was added to make it possible to convert an Interactive Diagram that you made before and posted somewhere else to GAME code. Without the need to entirely recreate the Diagram through the Applet. Which for large variants would be more cumbersomet than just copy-pasting an existing and well-tested Diagram into the box, and pressing the GAME-code button.