And by the way guys, I have some self criticism on my own regarding the three games. The non-pawn pieces, pawns ratio needs to be closer to one as there are many jumping pieces and strong pieces that easily cut through regular pawn chains.
Also it felt naturally to have a cannon-rook battery on the edge, with berolina pawn ahead. But after a few tests I'm afraid that the player that moves the berolina first gets an advantage. Try it with the interactive diagram.
And by the way guys, I have some self criticism on my own regarding the three games. The non-pawn pieces, pawns ratio needs to be closer to one as there are many jumping pieces and strong pieces that easily cut through regular pawn chains. Also it felt naturally to have a cannon-rook battery on the edge, with berolina pawn ahead. But after a few tests I'm afraid that the player that moves the berolina first gets an advantage. Try it with the interactive diagram.