It seems that on custom boards, pieces are now displayed farther down and to the right than they are supposed to. I have seen this issue appear in both Crazy 38's and Detective's Rhombic Chess, where it did not previously. Here is what I see in Crazy 38's:
And here is what I see in Detective's Rhombic Chess:
This problem seems to be with the custom board rendering, as all other board shapes work normally.
It seems that on custom boards, pieces are now displayed farther down and to the right than they are supposed to. I have seen this issue appear in both Crazy 38's and Detective's Rhombic Chess, where it did not previously. Here is what I see in Crazy 38's:
And here is what I see in Detective's Rhombic Chess:
This problem seems to be with the custom board rendering, as all other board shapes work normally.