Sure, you can use any piece set you want. Just change the setting of graphicsDir to the directory where you have the image files, and graphicsType to the extension these use. And possibly white/blackPrefix, although I think that for Alfaerie these are also w and b. And you might have to change the squareSize, depending on how large the images are (in pixels). Finally you might have to change some of the image-file root names in the piece descriptions, if these do not correspond between the sets.
Sure, you can use any piece set you want. Just change the setting of graphicsDir to the directory where you have the image files, and graphicsType to the extension these use. And possibly white/blackPrefix, although I think that for Alfaerie these are also w and b. And you might have to change the squareSize, depending on how large the images are (in pixels). Finally you might have to change some of the image-file root names in the piece descriptions, if these do not correspond between the sets.