🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Tue, Feb 16, 2021 07:17 PM UTC:
I have added the system variable groupsets and the nullary operator pieceset. My intention behind adding these is to allow a developer to support multiple piece sets even when he cannot find piece sets that use the same keys for the same pieces.
Here is how to do this:
Check the box for "Bypass Error Check on Piece Label".
In the Pre-Game code, use setsystem to set groupsets to an array of the basenames of the sets you will allow a player to select from.
Still within the Pre-Game code, use an if-elseif-else block or a switch-case block to check the value of pieceset against the basename of each allowed set, use the add command to change the pieces on the board to match the images you want to use from that set, and use the alias command to set appropriate aliases.
Within your other code, consistently do operations on the piece aliases rather than the piece labels. Note that the fairychess include file is already designed to do this, and it is the recommended include file for new games.
I have added the system variable groupsets and the nullary operator pieceset. My intention behind adding these is to allow a developer to support multiple piece sets even when he cannot find piece sets that use the same keys for the same pieces.
Here is how to do this: