Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Jocly. An html-based web platform for playing 2-player abstract stategy games.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Jean-Louis Cazaux wrote on Wed, Feb 10, 2021 10:29 PM UTC in reply to A. M. DeWitt from 09:36 PM:

Yes, strange. Not all the games are present, for example Gigachess and Terachess are missing. Jocly is reactivated times by times on other sites. I believe it is because it is mainly open source and some people are able to re-put it on line. I was told by the creator, who I met, that he had gave up because he was finally fed up and demotivated by many many consecutive attacks from hackers. Bad and sad. (His next project was to have Jocly coupled with virtual reality and I had the chance to have a demo. It was impressive to get really projected on the board and be able to fly above the board or move the pieces around yourself. So bad this has been stopped).