Strange. Promotion in my Mighty-Lion test preset (which, apart from the tables, uses the same code) still works fine. But this doesn't have an option to defer.
I have the feeling something changed in the implementation of the GAME-code askpromote command that broke it. I notice several things:
In Mighty Lion the button at the bottom has the inscription 'Play', in the screen at your link it is blank.
Above the Pawn there is a message that says it declines promotion. I don't recall having seen that before.
After you make the choice and submit it through the button, it seems the original move is gone. The askpromote screen is supposed to append the choice to the move you had so far, in the form "; X-dest" (where X is the label of the chosen piece). But here it seems to replace the move by that, so that this now becomes the only move primitive. Which is of course invalid.
Strange. Promotion in my Mighty-Lion test preset (which, apart from the tables, uses the same code) still works fine. But this doesn't have an option to defer.
I have the feeling something changed in the implementation of the GAME-code askpromote command that broke it. I notice several things: