Sorry, for some reason my response was just blank when I previewed.
If a Rook moves from E3 to G3 to capture, and the player wishes to move the same piece after the capture it may not continue along the same row to H3 or return towards A3, but must instead follow G either toward G1 or towards G8.
Same goes for Bishops, but they may only move along the opposite diagonal from the diagonal moved along to make the capture.
Knights cannot return to the square they moved from to capture, but may go to any other square it can reach, so long as the square is unoccupied, since no piece may capture on it's second move.
Queens may follow any other path than the one they used to capture.
In order to move, they have to diverge from the path they took to capture. If they cannot go another way the piece cannot take a second move.If no other piece can move, the second move is forfeit that turn.