Perhaps it would be a good idea to make GAME code support a 'clientinclude' command similar to 'include' (which is a 'serverinclude'), where one could specify a URL?
It's not a good time for this right now, because new JavaScript is under construction. Also, due to differences in how different rendering methods display boards, there are differences in the JavaScript depending on the rendering method used. I'll try to minimize and modularize those differences as I continue working on this.
I made some progress today. I am working on making the movePiece() function use legalList instead of LegalMoves. I got it to work with Shogi and with viewing games today, and I made a separate showLegal() function for showing legal moves. I'm still having some trouble with properly handling backwards entry of moves.
What would help me out is having access to a game with optional deletions or freedrops. This would help me make sure the code is working properly for those.
As a note to myself, I plan to test this on Go, which I forgot to do today.
It's not a good time for this right now, because new JavaScript is under construction. Also, due to differences in how different rendering methods display boards, there are differences in the JavaScript depending on the rendering method used. I'll try to minimize and modularize those differences as I continue working on this.
I made some progress today. I am working on making the movePiece() function use legalList instead of LegalMoves. I got it to work with Shogi and with viewing games today, and I made a separate showLegal() function for showing legal moves. I'm still having some trouble with properly handling backwards entry of moves.
What would help me out is having access to a game with optional deletions or freedrops. This would help me make sure the code is working properly for those.
As a note to myself, I plan to test this on Go, which I forgot to do today.