Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Play-test applet for chess variants. Applet you can play your own variant against.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝H. G. Muller wrote on Sun, Aug 2, 2020 04:53 PM EDT:

You have to press the 'Apply' button to make anything you changed above the diagram take effect. Then it would add stalemate=win. (In fact any setting other than draw would have the same effect.)

I suppose I could attach handlers to the checkboxes that trigger on a state change. But there are also text entries there, and for those it usually leads to trouble when you don't wait until the user is done typing.

The Diagram would not make the exception that stalemating with a lone King is a draw. But this seems a silly rule anyway. The only practical case I know where a bare King delivers stalemate is in defending against promotion of a Rook Pawn, preventing the supporting King to step away from the edge. But that only works if the strong side chooses to stalemate himsef by pushing the Pawn. You cannot force him to do that. The rule is as pointless as an extra rule that a checkmate in KNNK would count as a draw in orthoChess.