H. G. Muller wrote on Sat, Nov 16, 2019 03:47 AM EST:
Yes, FEN is very useful in general. What I was questioning is whether it would be useful to design special FEN conventions for representing game states halfway a turn. I have never seen an orthodox-Chess puzzle like "white mates in four after he has touched his Rook", or people pushing for a FEN field to indicate which piece has been touched. Or a Chu Shogi problem that said "white mates, now that he has captured a Gold something with the first leg of his Lion move. Neither can I imagine why you would want to load a position half-way a turn in a GUI or engine.
Yes, FEN is very useful in general. What I was questioning is whether it would be useful to design special FEN conventions for representing game states halfway a turn. I have never seen an orthodox-Chess puzzle like "white mates in four after he has touched his Rook", or people pushing for a FEN field to indicate which piece has been touched. Or a Chu Shogi problem that said "white mates, now that he has captured a Gold something with the first leg of his Lion move. Neither can I imagine why you would want to load a position half-way a turn in a GUI or engine.
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